If we consider entrepreneurship as a process of exploring novel opportunities and exploiting value from them, then we can view it as a learnable experience and, therefore, anyone can develop the skills and capabilities to better navigate it.

That said, it can be difficult for many adults to break away from their predispositions to take full advantage of an opportunity. Thus, I recommend we look at our children as great entrepreneurial examples. Below, I offer a few lessons we can learn from kindergartners on how to become better entrepreneurs.

Kindergartners make decisions based on the evidence in front of them. They lack the knowledge or experience to assume. To the contrary, adults automatically make assumptions based on their knowledge and experience, which can be helpful, but also can lead to assumptions that negatively influence their decisions.

When we look at kindergartners, we see they are curious about their surroundings. Whether at home or school, they continuously ask questions and seek new information about the world. Compare this inquisitiveness to the predeterminations many adults bring to a situation, which can close their minds to new ideas.

Consider a situation where you have envisioned a great idea for a new product you think you can successfully make and sell. You write your business plan, lease office space, hire employees, etc. Then, you launch the business, and no one needs or wants your product.

Now, consider a kindergartner learning to ride a bike. First, the child becomes familiar with the bicycle by practicing on training wheels with mom or dad providing pointers and encouragement. Later, the training wheels come off, and of course the child will fall, but with each fall the child builds confidence and is able to travel farther and farther. Soon, the child is an accomplished bike rider.

Like learning to ride a bicycle, becoming an entrepreneur is a process. One success leads to another. It takes practice (experience) and encouragement (mentorship). Trying to accomplish too much too soon can lead to failure. Starting small, learning from each success and failure through practice and experimentation can help make the entrepreneurial process easier to manage.

Yes, there is much adults can learn about entrepreneurship from watching children. It won’t happen overnight, but if you keep progressing, you’re likely to find yourself on the road to success.