Stephen F. Austin State University


R.W. Steen Library to conduct survey

November 2, 2009

The Ralph W. Steen Library is conducting a Web-based library survey to obtain feedback from the university community regarding the quality of its services. The survey will be conducted from Nov. 9 through Dec. 9, and the results will help the library to identify best practices, analyze deficits and effectively allocate resources to develop services that better meet users' expectations.

On Nov. 9, the survey URL will be sent via e-mail to each member of the university community. Students, faculty and staff will be invited to express their opinions and thoughts regarding Steen Library services.

To encourage participation, gift cards will be given away in random drawings. Participants may enter their e-mail address at the conclusion of the survey to be automatically entered in the drawing. The grand prize is a $250 gift card; in addition, two $50 cards will be awarded weekly and one $10 card will be awarded daily during the survey period.

This survey will be conducted using the LIBQUAL+ survey instrument, developed collaboratively by the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) and the Texas A & M Libraries. LIBQUAL+ is a suite of services that libraries use internationally to solicit, track, understand and act upon users' opinions of service quality.

By Office of Public Affairs
University Marketing Communications
(936) 468-2605