about sfa
Our Location
SFA's breathtaking campus is located in the heart of East Texas in historic Nacogdoches. Did you know that if you live in the Houston or Dallas areas, Nacogdoches may actually be closer than Austin? It's true!
Sfa Is Closer Than You Think
Dallas/fort Worth
194 miles,
3 hours 10 minutes
159 miles,
2 hours 49 minutes
227 miles,
4 hours
San Antonio
312 miles,
5 hours 10 minutes
142 miles,
2 hours 17 minutes
128 miles,
2 hours 14 minutes
98 miles,
1 hour 40 minutes

SFA was chartered by the Texas legislature, Nacogdoches was selected as its location and the appropriation bill for funding was signed.
First classes held
During campus construction, the first group of SFA students attended class nearby, blazing a trail for hundreds of thousands of students to follow in their footsteps.
Lumberjack mascot selected
The Lumberjack mascot was selected by popular vote at a special student assembly of faculty and students.
Vista Drive opens
Since the completion of the Austin Building in 1924, Vista Drive has provided a unique view of the campus.
First homecoming held
Homecoming is now an annual fall event featuring a bonfire, two parades and, of course, football.
Experimental Forest established
The Stephen F. Austin Experimental Forest was established by an act of Congress and measures more than 2,500 acres. It is still in use for recreation, forestry and wildlife management research.
First Lumberjack Day
Lumberjack Day started by a proclamation of the Student Body President. Students on campus were expected to wear the uniform of the day: blue jeans, overalls, plaid shirts and boots. The tradition continues annually.
College Center opened
The center included the college cafeteria, book store, post office and recreational facilities. Throughout the years, it has been called the University Center and the Baker Pattillo Student Center.
SFA becomes a university
A big day in our history as SFA moved up from a college to a full-fledged university.
Homer Bryce Stadium constructed
The spirited home field of the SFA Lumberjacks football team was constructed on the northeast side of campus.
Axe ’em, Jacks hand sign created
Thanks to the school spirit of a small group of creative SFA cheerleaders, the university now has its own signature hand sign.
“Surfin’ Steve” fountain created
Due to a dramatic stance and flowing water, this iconic statue of Stephen F. Austin is affectionately nicknamed “Surfin’ Steve.”
Faculty spotlight
Get to know some of our passionate professors, and see how committed they are to your success.
President's Cabinet


Senior Vice President for Enrollment and Student Engagement

Senior Vice President for Organizational Effectiveness

Interim Provost & Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

Chief Audit Officer

Vice President and General Counsel/Chief of Staff

Director of Athletics

Vice President for University Advancement

Director of Governmental Relations

Interim Vice President for Enrollment Management

Vice President of Information Technology & Chief Information Officer

Interim Vice President for Student Affairs

Vice President for Finance
Academic Leadership
- Stacy Hendricks, EdD
Interim Dean, James I. Perkins College of Education
Community Impact

Service & Outreach



Arts & Entertainment

Summer camps