'A Piney Woods Home Companion: The Sequel' to benefit SFA Music Prep
September 7, 2010

NACOGDOCHES, TEXAS - In celebration of providing quality musical training to East Texas children for 30 years, the Music Preparatory Division at Stephen F. Austin State University will host "A Piney Woods Home Companion: The Sequel" on the evening of Saturday, Oct. 9.
"East Texans so enjoyed our first 'Piney Woods Home Companion' five years ago that we've decided to offer a sequel this year," explained Pat Barnett, division director. "And like the original event, celebrities, barbecue, an entertaining variety show and silent auction will be included in the scholarship fund-raiser."
Returning as stars of the show are pianist John Dickson, SFA alumnus and music composer of the TV series "Burn Notice," and emcee Brad Maule, SFA faculty member who is best known for his role as Dr. Tony Jones of "General Hospital."
"Local talent will round out the program with jingles written by John and a hilarious script spoofing good, old East Texas," Barnett said. "Patterned after Garrison Keillor's 'A Prairie Home Companion,' the event promises to be full of fun and entertainment."
The evening will begin at 5 p.m. with a wine and cheese "Hob Nob" at the home of Chappell and Mary Elizabeth Jordan, where patrons can visit with Dickson and Maule. Cost for the pre-party is $20.
The main event begins with a silent auction at 6 p.m. in the Grand Ballroom of SFA's Baker Pattillo Student Center, followed by the barbecue dinner at 6:30 and entertainment at 7:30. Tickets to this portion are $50.
Special patron tickets to the entire evening are $100.
The Music Preparatory Division serves over 250 students each year, and through past fund-raisers, has been able to award partial scholarships to approximately 35 students annually.
"We were able to offer 16 families assistance this year, but our funds are depleted," Barnett explained. Our goal for this fund-raiser is to rebuild that account so that we can continue to offer the gift of music to those students who might otherwise not be able to receive training."
Tickets to "A Piney Woods Home Companion: The Sequel" are available at the SFA Fine Arts Box Office located in the Griffith Fine Arts Building, Room 211, or by calling (936) 468-6407. Deadline is Wednesday, Oct. 6.