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Once you’ve identified the research or creative endeavor that excites you, the next crucial step is connecting with a mentor who will nurture your passion and help you thrive. But how do you initiate this invaluable partnership?

Start by reaching out to professors whose work aligns with your interests. These dedicated individuals will serve as your guides throughout the research and creative discovery process. Don’t hesitate to contact us during our office hours or send us an email; we genuinely welcome the opportunity to support your academic journey.

If you’re still exploring your interests and haven’t yet found a professor to work with, contact us for help finding a mentor. Insights from a mentor can further empower you as you navigate the exciting journey of finding the right mentor to shape your academic and creative future. Remember, your professors are here to guide you, so don’t hesitate to take that first step toward mentorship. Your aspirations are our priority!


Center for Research and Creative Discovery
Leslie G. Cecil, director