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Behavioral conduct cases may be resolved in one of three ways:

The circumstances and alleged violations of the case determine which resolution options may be used.

Informal disposition

The informal disposition process serves to efficiently clear low-level violations of the Residence Life Community Guidelines.

The following violations may be cleared by informal disposition:

  • Prohibited items (A lit candle cannot be cleared through informal disposition)
  • Visitation
  • Noise/quiet hours
  • Cleaning
  • Trash
  • Wing/floor meetings
  • Solicitation and advertisement
  • Decorations
  • Furnishings
  • Bicycles/motorcycles/electronic skateboards/hover boards
  • Windows/window screens
  • Pet violations

Informal dispositions should be sent letter #42. Students may choose to contest this informal disposition and request a meeting with a hearing officer. Informal dispositions are not considered a prior and should not be considered as such.

A student should not receive more than one informal disposition for each bullet point above. It is at the hearing officer's discretion to clear a case by informal disposition.

Administrative resolution

Staff members in Residence Life with adjudication authority are able to adjudicate any alleged violations of the community guidelines and some alleged violations of the Code of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity. Each submitted incident report or University Police Department report will be reviewed by the Dean of Students Office and assigned to the appropriate adjudicating staff member.

The maximum sanction able to be assigned by these staff members is behavioral conduct probation. Any sanction greater can only be assigned by the Dean of Students Office or formal hearing body. View the Sanctioning Guidelines for Alcohol and Drug Violations webpage for details on some of the more common violations.

Students who are already on behavioral conduct probation will automatically have their case adjudicated by the Dean of Students Office.

When scheduling an administrative resolution, the meeting must be scheduled at least two business days after contacting the student.

The outcome letter (regardless of resolution option chosen by the student) should be sent within one business day of the administrative resolution meeting.

Formal hearing

The formal hearing officer panel is a combination of faculty, staff, and students.

The student must be notified at least 10 days in advance of the hearing. Student maintains their appeal right when their case is adjudicated by a formal hearing officer.


Contact Student Conduct and Academic Integrity

Open: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday
Call: 936.468.2703
Fax: 936.468.7144
Visit: Baker Pattillo Student Center,
Room 3.105

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 13020, SFA Station
Nacogdoches, Texas 75962