Book Chapters
Sapkota, K. N., Wright, C. S. (2024). In James Blair and Marcel Robles (Ed.), Innovative Business Communication Assignments for the 21st Century (vol. 2, pp. 43-50). Reston, VA: National Business Education Association.
Refereed Journal Articles
Blaique, L., Ismail, H., Corbin, T. P., Aldabbas, H. (2024). Enhancing Learning Organizations Through Employee Resilience: Investigating the mediating influence of psychological empowerment. Journal of Workplace Learning.
Blount, J., Conklin, M. (2024). Non-Human Stakeholders: Testing the Boundaries of Stakeholder Theory. Norman, OK: Oklahoma Law Review.
Conklin, M., Blount, J. (2024). The Pepsi Generation Goes to Court: A Teaching Note Utilizing a Netflix Documentary to Teach Contracts and Ethics. Midwest Law Journal.
Conklin, M., Blount, J. (2024). Driving a Stake Through Corporate Cryptocurrency Involvement: Why the Practice Fails the Stakeholder Ethical Analysis (2nd ed., vol. 69). Detroit, Michigan: Wayne Law Review.
Davis, R. J., Blount, J. (2024). Regulating CO2 Emissions Post-West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency. Williamsburg, VA: William and Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review.
McKenna, C., Wright, C. S. (2024). Is that Source Actually Real? Research-based Writing Limitations Using AI Drafting Tools. Business and Professional Communications Quarterly, 87(1), 194-216.
Seo, J., Leach, R., Lee, S. (2024). Learning opportunity as a critical attribute to attract employees in the context of startups: A text-mining approach. European Journal of Training and Development.
Shrewsbury, S. M. (2024). The Teetotalling Winebibber: A Case Study for the International Sale of Goods. Pace International Law Review, 36(1), 51 pages.
Thornley, A. M. (2024). Michael Oher, the Tuohys, and The Blind Side: A Conservatorship Case Study (vol. 47, pp. 25). Seattle, Washington: Seattle University Law Review Online.
Thornley, A. M. (2024). Ice hockey neck guards and legal liability following the tragic death of Adam Johnson. London: LawInSport.
Thornley, A. M. (2024). America’s “Kia Boys”: The Problem, Responses, and Recommendations (vol. 47, pp. 16). Seattle, Washington: Seattle University Law Review Online.
Waddell, K. I., Wright, C. S. (2024). LinkedIn Learning: Teaching Soft Skills in a Hard Skills World. Journal of Research in Business Information Systems, 17(1), 88-98.
Waddell, K. I., Lee, S., Humphries, J. K. (2024). How Does a CEO Change Employees’ Perceptions? Journal of Research in Business Information Systems.
Wright, C. S. (2024). Using TED Talks to Improve Presentation Skills. Business and Professional Communications Quarterly, 87(4), 684-705.
Wright, C. S., Sapkota, K. N. (2024). Developing Core Communication Skills in an AI-Dominated World. Journal of Research in Business Education, 64(1), 19.
Wright, C. S., Blount, J. (2024). Legal and Ethical Concerns of AI Use in the BusEd Classroom. Business Education Forum, 78(2), 6-8.
Conference Proceedings
Wright, C. S., Sigmar, L. S. (2023). Undergraduate Business Majors' Perceptions of Skills Acquired During College. Association for Business Communication - Southwest.
Refereed Journal Articles
Blount, J., Waddell, K. I. (2023). Smithereen, Incorporated--An Employment Negotiation Exercise. Journal of Legal Studies Education, 40(2), 1-39.
McKenna, C. (2023). Eye-Contact Practice Meets Whack-a-Mole. Business and Professional Communications Quarterly, 85(1), 115-135.
Humphries, J. K., Sigmar, L. S. (2023). Incorporating Artificial Intelligence into the Business Communication Curriculum. Federation of Business Disciplines Journal, 14(Special Edition), 26-43.
Thornley, A. M. (2023). What Are Grant Of Rights Contracts In U.S. College Football & How Can Universities Exit Them?. London: LawInSport.
Waddell, K. I., Hall, A. A. (2023). Executive Presence in a Virtual World. Business Education Forum, 7(4), 11-12.
Wright, C. S., Clipson, T. W. (2023). Teaching Excellence in Leadership. Business Education Forum, 77(4).
Wright, C. S., Clipson, T. W. (2023). Teaching Respect in Leadership. Business Education Forum, 77(4), 4-6.
Wright, C. S., Clipson, T. W. (2023). Teaching Integrity in Leadership. Business Education Forum, 77(2), 8-11.
Wright, C. S. (2023). How Do Business Graduates Perceive Their Education? A Survey of Skills Assessment. Journal of Research in Business Education, 63(1), 24-36.
Thornley, A. M., Shrewsbury, S. M., Blount, J. (2022). Practical Business Law. Dubuque, IA: Great River Learning.
Refereed Journal Articles
Jackson, M. K. (2022). Working remotely: How organizational leaders and HRD practitioners used the experiential learning theory during the COVID-19 pandemic? New Horizons in Adult Education & Human Resource Development, 34(2), 44-48.
Jackson, M. K. (2022). Faculty's Formal and Informal Learning Experiences During the Transition of a New Learning Management System at a Community College: A Case Study. Technology, Knowledge, and Learning.
McKenna, C. (2022). Spaghetti Analysis of Student Writing. Business and Professional Communications Quarterly, 85(I), 115-35.
Thornley, A. M. (2022). College Football: Proposals for Structural Reform and Antitrust Implications. Marquette Sports Law Review, 32(2), 59.
Thornley, A. M. (2022). Name Image & Likeness: Why U.S High School Athletes May Sue Over Rights Restrictions. London: LawInSport.
Wright, C. S. (2022). Teaching Resiliency in Business Education Classes. Business Education Forum, 76(3), 16-19.
Wright, C. S. (2022). My Favorite Assignment: What's up with her? Learning about personality. Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, 85(2), 222-242.
Blount, J. (2021). Sex Differentiated Appearance Standards Post-Bostock (2nd ed., vol. 31, pp. 217-256). Fairfax, VA: George Mason University Civil Rights Law Journal.
McKenna, C. (2021). Introduction to the Special Issue. AILA Review, International Association of Applied Linguistics, John Benjamins Publishing, 34(1), 1-17.
McKenna, C. (2021). An invisible operational mortar: The essential role of speech acts in tri-segregated moviegoing. AILA Review, International Association of Applied Linguistics, John Benjamins Publishing, 34(1), 102-21.
Shrewsbury, S. M. (2021). A Study of Active Classroom Techniques to Engage Increasingly Distracted Students. Texas Business & Technology Educators Association, 21(1), 11.
Thornley, A. M. (2021). Opening the Taps of Freedom to Distribute Alcohol: An Overview of State Alcohol Regulation in the United States and Recommendations for Reform. Sacramento, California: University of the Pacific Law Review (4th ed., vol. 52, pp. 43).
Thornley, A. M. (2021). How Could US College Football Be Restructured To Improve Its Competitive & Economic Potential?. London: LawInSport.
Wright, C. S. (2021). Are Students Prepared to Enter the Workforce? Activities to Build Self-Efficacy. Texas Business and Technology Educators Association (TBTEA) Journal, 21(1), 101-108.
Humphries, J. K., Bayless, M. L. (2020). Framing the Concept of Data Analytics: How to Prepare Information Systems Students for the Business Environment. Journal of Research in Business Information Systems, 13-1 (Winter 2020), 43-65.
Bayless, M. L., Guerrero, M. G. (2020). Using Zoom Conferencing Software to Enhance and Engage Face to Face and Online Classes. JRBIS (Journal of Research in Business Information Systems), 12(12), p. 102-114.
Shrewsbury, S. M., Blount, J. (2020). The U.S. Office of Corporate Ethics: Enhancing Officer Accountability in Publicly Held Corporations. University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business Law, 22(4), 66.
Hall, A. A., Wright, C. S. (2020). Augmented Reality in Business Classes. Journal of Research in Business Education, 60(1), 4-11.
McKenna, C. (2020). Encouraging research-informed rhetoric through F/O/P analysis. Business & Professional Communication Quarterly, 83(2), 234-55.
McKenna, C. (2020). Alumni perspectives on mission-critical communication skills for new job-market entrants. Federation of Business Disciplines (FBD) Journal, 7(2019), 44-64.
Austin, T., Clark, L. C., Sigmar, L. S., Smith, A. B., Mehta, G. (2020). Doing Business With Bruner: Scaffolding for Success in Evidence-Driven Communication. Journal of Research in Business Information Systems (JRBIS), 12(12), 115-141.
Sigmar, L. S., Bible, D. E. (2020). In Dr. Cindy Miller (Ed.), Jurassic Park: A Case of Extinct Communication . Texas: Texas Business and Technology Educators Association (Special Issue ed., vol. 21, pp. 5-11).
Thornley, A. M. (2020). A Case Against Federal Regulation of Intrastate Sports Wagering. Las Vegas, Nevada: UNLV Gaming Law Journal (1st ed., vol. 11, pp. 31).
Thornley, A. M. (2020). The Copyright Act's Mandatory-Deposit Requirement: Unnecessary and Unconstitutional. Los Angeles, California: Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review.
Wright, C. S., Smith, A., Hall, A. A. (2020). Immersive Technologies: A Review of Use in K-16 Education and Business. Journal of Research in Business Information Systems, 13(1), 66-76.
Wright, C. S., Rogers, L. S., Smith, A. (2020). To Tweet or Not to Tweet, That is the Answered Question. JRBIS, 12(12), 83.