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The Office of the General Counsel provides legal oversight and advice on matters related to the university. As the in-house attorney for SFA, General Counsel serves as a problem solver, legal trouble shooter, and adviser to the university, administration, faculty and staff and others acting on SFA's behalf. General Counsel does not serve as anyone's personal attorney and acts only on the university's behalf. The office reports directly to the university president.

Major legal areas in which the General Counsel's office is involved include:

  • employment law
  • open government
  • contracts
  • constitutional law
  • intellectual property
  • torts
  • and specific knowledge of Texas law and Appropriations Act riders relating to colleges and universities.

The General Counsel assists in university policy development and interpretation.

State of Texas agencies

As an agency of the State of Texas, the Office of the Attorney General is responsible for litigation involving the University and its employees. The General Counsel works in cooperation with the Texas Attorney General, legal counsel engaged in private practice, and other legal counsel for agencies of the State of Texas concerning matters that may affect the university. The General Counsel monitors all lawsuits brought against or for the university and assists on the university's behalf.

Attorney-client privilege

Communications with the General Counsel are protected by the privilege for attorney-client communications and therefore are confidential, if they are made for the purpose of seeking legal advice on behalf of the university. Such communications can be revealed only to other university officials on a need-to-know basis.

Communications with the General Counsel on personal legal matters (including matters against the university) or on non-legal matters are not privileged or confidential. The General Counsel may be affirmatively obligated to disclose any such communications to other university officials if the communications implicate the university's legal interests.

If you are not sure whether your matter is university-related or a personal one, check with General Counsel before sending any communications that you wish to remain confidential. Although e-mail communications are protected by the attorney-client privilege to the same extent as communications made by other means, e-mail is not completely secure. Individuals are encouraged to exercise appropriate discretion in using e-mail to communicate about sensitive matters.

Mission statement

The Office of the General Counsel seeks to advance the mission of SFA by providing legal advice and consultation to the president, executive officers and other senior staff on a broad range of laws, regulations and policies that impact the university. Our office is proud to serve as a liaison between the university and its related and affiliated entities on legal and policy issues.

Our office also works closely with all colleges and departments to ensure effective and efficient administrative services in regards to contract administration and the development and maintenance of policies and procedures. It is our goal to help the university as a whole avoid or reduce exposure to legal risks by creating awareness of legal ramifications and by offering timely and knowledgeable advice when needed.

DISCLAIMER: The materials presented here are for informational purposes only. Nothing contained herein may be construed as legal advice from the Office of the General Counsel, nor do statements constitute official university policy. Users should consult with the General Counsel when considering a matter with legal implications, and the official policies and procedures of the institution as adopted by the university regarding precise policy statements.

Contact the Office of General Counsel

Call: 936.468.4305
Fax: 936.468.3875
Visit: Austin Building, Room 310
Staff directory

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 13065, SFA Station
Nacogdoches, Texas 75962