Learn from students who understand the struggle and pushed through
Our tutors are students who were hand-selected by your instructor and earned an A or B in the courses they are tutoring.
Certified at three levels by the International Tutor Training Program, they are trained to share the content and tips on how to study and remember what you study. There is a science to that process, and we want you to know it!
Meet some of our peer tutors
Click on a photo below to learn more about our tutors, including their story of academic struggle and how they learned to turn setbacks into comebacks. Ready for your own comeback story? Visit our tutoring services webpage and let's get started.
Hi, I'm Agafia and I tutor:
HIST 1302 and All Writing Courses
Testimony to the Struggle
In the fall of my second year, I had to test out of pre-calculus A and B if I wanted to graduate on time. To do this, I had to study for math like I never had before — and this is coming from someone who had believed she was terrible at math. Teaching myself the concepts was one of the hardest academic things I had ever done, but I wasn't alone! When I couldn't understand a concept myself, AARC math tutors were able to help me. At the end of the semester, I passed the pre-calculus CLEP exam. The tutors helped accelerate my learning, and they continue to assist me in comprehending my classwork.
Hi, I'm Alyson and I tutor:
BIOL 2402
Testimony to the Struggle
Even though I tutor for "Anatomy and Physiology II," I did struggle in "Anatomy and Physiology I." When I realized I was struggling, I started going to SI sessions and discovered that my study methods were ineffective — cramming the information two days before the test was not helping. This allowed me to learn and develop study methods that work best for me. Even today, I struggle with overwhelming information in nursing school. So, when I feel myself starting to become burnt out, I like to take a step back by either going to the Student Recreation Center to work out or driving around in my car listening to music.
Hi, I'm Amber and I tutor:
ECON 3339, BLAW 3335
Testimony to the Struggle
During college, one of my most challenging classes was Introduction to Investments. I took this class during my first semester as a tutor and was figuring out time management along with increasingly more challenging course work. After failing the first test, I began to use my professor's office hours and visited the AARC tutor for that course, and I earned an A in the class. Without these two resources, I would not have been successful or able to cope with the challenges of college.
Hi, I'm Callie and I tutor:
MATH 1314
Testimony to the Struggle
I struggled with my lab for Anatomy and Physiology. At first, I was overwhelmed by the number of bones, muscles and cells I had to memorize. My quizlets ended up being around 300 terms each test. Eventually, I learned that if I broke up the quizlet and learned 20 terms a day, I was no longer stressed trying to learn 300 terms the day before the test. In short, my study habits now serve the motto: a little every day goes a long way.
Hi, I'm Citori and I tutor:
MATH 1324, MATH 1342
Testimony to the Struggle
I am normally proud to be able to say that, as a student, I persist through difficult lessons. However, college courses are very different. Accounting especially made me realize I needed extra help. Through the AARC's assistance, I learned that I had been studying ineffectively. With their help, I went from failing two out of four exams to making an A in managerial accounting by finding what learning strategies helped me.
Hi, I'm Emma and I tutor:
All Writing Courses
Testimony to the Struggle
My freshman year of college, I was having a really hard time in my math class. I didn't do great on the first test, but I started going to office hours twice a week to better understand the content. Preparing for the next exam was stressful because I put a lot of pressure on myself to do well on it. I ended up getting an A on that exam and finishing the class with a good grade! The extra time spent going to office hours helped so much!
Hi, I'm Emma and I tutor:
MATH 1350, MATH 1351
Testimony to the Struggle
My second semester at SFA was thankfully the only one in which I had all online classes, but they were very stressful and overwhelming. The number one trick that helped me manage stress was scheduling study breaks when I planned out my week. I would stretch, do a 10-minute workout, make a healthy snack, or listen to my favorite song. When you plan out your week, don't forget to plan for breaks to reduce stress.
Hi, I'm Erin and I tutor:
All Writing Courses
Testimony to the Struggle
I was taking a Shakespeare class that I need for my major. I liked my professor, but was so disinterested in the material. We had a giant research project to do and it was getting difficult. Not only is Shakespeare not my favorite subject, but there were also so many components to the assignment and it was getting hard to keep track of everything. I wanted to do well — especially as an English major — but it was frustrating when I wasn't even sure what I was doing.
I've found that participating in class and frequently asking questions has helped me get a better understanding of material, and shows the professor that I'm trying. I've spent a lot of time attending office hours and my professor is always willing to answer questions, as she knows I am doing my best to produce a good product. I ended up getting a high grade and am incredibly proud of what I did. I know my participation and communication with my professor helped immensely.
Hi, I'm Ethan and I tutor:
CHEM 1311, MATH 2313, MATH 2314
Testimony to the Struggle
I was struggling with a physics course, and I became very stressed and unmotivated about it. I was able to relieve this stress through two methods. The first was by praying and talking with God about the anxiety I was experiencing over it. The second was by going to the Student Recreation Center and getting into rock climbing. Both of these helped me tremendously and really pulled me through the course!
Hi, I'm Fatima and I tutor:
MATH 1342
Testimony to the Struggle
I have taken a few challenging courses, including calculus, organic chemistry and biochemistry. I struggled a lot because it was very information heavy — I found myself working on it most of the week, which affected how well I did in my other classes. I relied heavily on a planner to divide the time I spent on each class evenly, which helped a lot. To improve my performance in the course, I attended SI weekly and used the tools my professor recommended.
Hi, I'm Geordan and I tutor:
All Writing Courses
Testimony to the Struggle
With my course load, I have three different classes that usually require a weekly essay. I find it best to get everything done soon after it was assigned so there isn't a last-minute rush to try and get a rough draft turned in. I treat the essays like a job assignment and complete them in a timely manner.
Hi, I'm Hadley and I tutor:
PHYS 1301, CHEM 3331, CHEM 1311, CHEM 1312
Testimony to the Struggle
The fall semester of my junior year, I was juggling two upper-level STEM classes, living the life of a student-athlete, being an officer in student organizations and working an on-campus job. I really struggled with time management, so I reached out and found that the AARC helped transform my study habits. Instead of being reactive to deadlines for homework and exams, I learned to be proactive in planning for class. It helped me so unbelievably much, and it has made my whole college experience less overwhelming and made me more confident in my studying abilities!
Hi, I'm Hailey and I tutor:
CHEM 1311, 1312
Testimony to the Struggle
During my sophomore year, I struggled a lot with Organic Chemistry I. The textbook seemed like it was in a different language, and I could memorize the information but had a difficult time understanding and applying it. After nearly failing the first test, I realized I needed to change up my way of studying. I went to SI, which helped me understand how the information I memorized could be applied to different problems. I still struggled with the class, but with extra help and different study skills, I persevered.
Hi, I'm Isabel and I tutor:
ASTR 1303
Testimony to the Struggle
During my sophomore year of college, I started taking upper-level classes for my degree. Macroeconomics stressed me out the most as I had never taken an economics class before and struggled with math. Right before our first exam, which I was very worried about, I asked my professor what to do to better prepare. He suggested I utilize the extra resources provided on his D2L page, attend his office hours or find additional materials online. I took some of that advice and ended up doing just fine on the exam. Asking a professor for guidance taught me the importance of asking for help when needed, as no one understands everything on the first try!
Hi, I'm Jacky and I tutor:
All Writing Courses
Testimony to the Struggle
As a student who had done dual credit in high school, I started out taking higher-level courses with peers slightly older than me, which was intimidating. Mustering up all my courage, I confided in one of my professors, who advised me to attend faculty office hours for any class I needed clarification in. This encouragement helped me communicate with my professors and realize that I had lots of resources at my disposal.
Hi, I'm Jessica and I tutor:
ECON 3339
Testimony to the Struggle
As a mathematical person, I really struggled with business law. It was hard for me to read the book and be able to apply it to different concepts. It was really important for me to have a growth mindset and keep trying different ways to study and push through! Without having a growth mindset, I would have struggled to pass that class.
Hi, I'm Jessie and I tutor:
BIOL 2301
Testimony to the Struggle
Anatomy and Physiology I was one of the hardest classes I have taken but also one of my favorites. I had to learn how to study for this class and actually learn the material rather than just memorizing and brain dumping it. This was hard at first because it was a new way of studying. Going to supplemental instruction, or SI, watching all the videos and taking the time to review the material really helped me succeed. I have taken these study strategies and applied them to my other classes, and it has paid off.
Hi, I'm Julia and I tutor:
BIOL 1306
Testimony to the Struggle
I was enrolled in 20 hours the fall semester of my second year at SFA, and also was working two on-campus jobs. Being so busy, I quickly found myself in an uncomfortable situation that forced me to learn a lot about myself as a student and make changes to the way I approach studying and managing my time. There were moments where I felt completely at a loss, but I kept trying, and reached out to my faculty members, visited the AARC, and was patient with myself as I went through that learning curve.
Hi, I'm Kels and I tutor:
CSCI 1302
Testimony to the Struggle
During my first semester at SFA, I received the worst grade I have ever made. It was on a coding assignment in my "Data Structures" course. I had spent hours on the assignment, and I was crushed. I decided to visit my professor during office hours, and when I asked what I could do about the grade, he simply said, "Try harder next time." I began visiting his office hours regularly and quickly built a good relationship with the professor. I also started taking my coding assignment work to the AARC to talk through them. Eventually, I was able to troubleshoot code on my own and receive A's on assignments.
Hi, I'm Kennedy and I tutor:
All Writing Courses
Testimony to the Struggle
I struggled with a history course, so I went to my professor's office hours and also got help from a friend who had taken the class before! I took time to breathe and do an activity that made me happy because burnout is a real thing. I knew that, in order to improve, I needed to take time to reset. I ended up raising my grade and felt better prepared for future exams!
Hi, I'm Mackenzie and I tutor:
MATH 1342
Testimony to the Struggle
During my first year at SFA, I found myself overwhelmed and stressed all the time. Being a perfectionist, I found it hard to juggle my course load while also being an athlete. I ended up finding myself using my resources and asking for help. I used the AARC to look over my papers and learned how to effectively study in the least amount of time possible. I learned more about myself and what I need to do to be successful, such as reducing my course hours and investing more time into my hobbies.
Hi, I'm Madison and I tutor:
GOVT 2305, GOVT 2306
Testimony to the Struggle
During one semester, I was really stressed about grabbing food between class and my shift at work. It would be really hard for me to tutor if I missed a meal, but I also did not want to skip my class to get food because then I'd miss all the notes I needed. So I found the courage to talk to my professor about the problem, and he came up with a good solution for me. I was so relieved that my professor would help me push through that stress! That is why I always encourage my clients to talk to their professors.
Hi, I'm Marya and I tutor:
MATH 1332
Testimony to the Struggle
During my time here at SFA, I've had at least one class each semester that was stressful. I always found myself putting off the work in those classes because the material was difficult and overwhelming, which made me develop bad habits and start receiving bad grades. I knew I had to make a change, so I began attending my professor's office hours and the AARC for extra instruction. After making that adjustment, I found myself understanding the material a lot better, which resulted in better grades.
Hi, I'm Megan and I tutor:
ARTS 1303
Testimony to the Struggle
When I was a first-year student at SFA, I struggled with academic and extracurricular imposter syndrome — the feeling of not belonging. My self-esteem suffered, and I lost confidence in myself. However, once I started connecting with people around me — both peers and professors — I understood that belonging comes from carving out your place in the world instead of waiting for the world to make room for you. By forming deep connections with people on similar journeys, you create more assurance of who you are.
Hi, I'm Nathaniel and I tutor:
BIOL 2361
Testimony to the Struggle
History has always been a weak spot for me, so in my first history course at SFA, I was concerned for my academic performance. I couldn't remember dates or names, and how historical events were ordered or connected were awash in my mind. I worried I would fail, so I attended SI sessions on Zoom weekly, worked hard to read my textbook nightly, and did every extra credit assignment. At the end of the semester, I found I had miraculously passed the course!
Hi, I'm Olivia and I tutor:
MATH 1314, 1332 2212, 2313
Testimony to the Struggle
When I took speech, I quickly realized I was terrified of public speaking. I would get so stressed in the days before a speech that I would barely sleep or eat. However, after recognizing this wasn't healthy, I managed to figure out how to take that stress and turn it into a "forget that, let me just do this thing" attitude. It allowed me to stop worrying so much, and things got much better. Sometimes all it takes is a mindset change!
Hi, I'm Rae and I tutor:
HIST 1301, HIST 1302
Testimony to the Struggle
When I first joined a Zoom meeting for my HIST 1301 class, the reality of college hit me like a car with cut brake lines. My entire academic career had taught me what to think rather than how to think. It caused me immense stress that I carried around like a backpack full of bricks. I thought I was "dumb." I thought I was a "failure." I thought I wasn't enough. I reached out to my faculty member for help, and he told me that he wants students to understand history on a deeper level. Today, I am his SI leader.
Hi, I'm Sarah and I tutor:
ECON 2301, 2302
Testimony to the Struggle
When I first started taking upper-level business courses, I struggled with managing my time. I never felt like I put enough time into each class and constantly felt beaten down. One of my friends and fellow AARC tutors showed me how making a spreadsheet allocating time to each class can keep me consistent and accountable. After implementing this in my everyday study habits, I have seen great success with my grades. There is truly a relationship between success and commitment, and if you are willing to do the work, you are one step closer to being successful.
Hi, I'm Sera and I tutor:
ACCT 2301, 2302
Testimony to the Struggle
I've struggled with procrastination since middle school, and it got worse in college with assignments that required a lot more work. I would always push every assignment until the last minute and be so stressed out! To deal with that, I made a spreadsheet with due dates for all my assignments, quizzes and exams. It helped so much! It felt so nice to check off my assignments, and I felt way less overwhelmed!
Hi, I'm Sydney and I tutor:
CHEM 1311, CHEM 1312
Testimony to the Struggle
While taking "General Chemistry II" as an eight-week course, I found the content confusing and the amount of homework challenging. I began to get very overwhelmed, so I went to my professors office hours regularly to start getting clarification with new ideas and extra assistance with homework. It was definitely still a struggle, but remembering to work on homework every day rather than waiting until the end of the week helped to relieve some of the extra stress.
Hi, I'm Sydni and I tutor:
CHEM 3332
Testimony to the Struggle
In the first semester of my sophomore year, I took on a course load that caused me a lot of stress. I worried about how I was going to have time to do everything for my classes, from studying enough to finishing homework assignments. What helped me during this time was reaching out to my advisor, who worked with me to think through how best to move forward in the semester. She ended up giving me an extra planner she had, and I was able to develop a planning system that allowed me to lay out a schedule for studying and doing assignments that worked for me.
Hi, I'm Trinity and I tutor:
MATH 1314, MATH 2211, MATH 2212, MATH 2412, MATH 2313
Testimony to the Struggle
Struggling to solve difficult math problems can be frustrating. This is what happened to me during my sophomore year of college when I took probability and statistics. I was unsuccessful in solving many homework problems (which meant unanswered exam questions) to the point that I was close to failing the class. This was when I finally reached out to my professor and other classmates for help. I was able to do a lot better on my final and passed the class! I learned to be more comfortable with being uncomfortable asking for help because this is when you will grow the most.