Summer Tutoring Services

Academic Assistance and Resource Center

Study with us. Ask questions. Strengthen your skills.

All tutoring sessions are free! Click on the thumbnails below to learn more about each method of tutoring services offered. Do you just have a quick question? Stop by a walk-in table!

AARC employee explaining SI groups
Walk-In tables
aarc appointments
online writing lab

These summer 2024 schedules will grow and adjust throughout the summer, so be sure to check back, Jacks! Zoom links, where applicable, will be provided closer to the term start.

Summer II tutoring: July 8 - Aug. 6

CourseTime and DaysMethod
BLAW 3335
Business Law
all sections
3-5 p.m. MTWRWalk-In Table
at the AARC
Join via Zoom
BIOL 2002
Anatomy & Physiology II Lab
all sections
3-5 p.m. MTWRWalk-In Table
at the AARC
BIOL 2402
Anatomy & Physiology II
all sections
6-7 p.m. MWSI Group via Zoom
CHEM 1305
Introduction to Chemistry I
all sections
2-4 p.m. MW
3-4 p.m. T
Walk-In Table
at the AARC
or join via Zoom
CHEM 1312
General Chemistry II
all sections
2-4 p.m. MW
3-4 p.m. T
Walk-In Table
at the AARC
or join via Zoom
CHEM 3332
Organic Chemistry II
all sections
2-4 p.m. MW
3-4 p.m. T
Walk-In Table
at the AARC
or join via Zoom
all sections
3-5 p.m. MWWalk-In Table
at the Cole STEM Building, Room 206
3-5 p.m. TRWalk-In Table via Zoom
ECON 3339
Applied Statistics
all sections
3-5 p.m. MTWRWalk-In Table
at the AARC
or join via Zoom
MATH 1314
College Algebra
all sections
2-4 p.m. MWWalk-In Table
at the AARC
MATH 1316
Plane Trigonometry
all sections
2-4 p.m. MWWalk-In Table
at the AARC
MATH 1342
Intro to Probability & Statistics
all sections
2-4 p.m. MWWalk-In Table
at the AARC
MATH 2212
Precalculus B
all sections
2-4  p.m. MWWalk-In Table
at the AARC
MATH 2314
Calculus II
all sections
2-4 p.m. MWWalk-In Table
at the AARC
Writing - Undergrad & Graduate
all levels, sections & courses
11 a.m. - 2 p.m. MTWRWalk-In Table
at the AARC
24/7Through the Online Writing Lab


You are never without help. The AARC offers a lighter tutoring schedule during the summer term so remember to utilize your instructor's office hours. SFA faculty members genuinely care and they are the best tutor you could ever have!

24/7 help through the Online Writing Lab:
  • Spring 2025: The OWL is open 24/7 8 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 21 through 8 a.m. Friday, May 9

Get a personalized review of any paper! Simply log in to your Brightspace by D2L account and view your list of ongoing courses for more information. If you're unable to find the OWL in your ongoing courses, email

From everyday assignments to research papers, our writing tutors are ready to help you. Stuck brainstorming? Let us help you generate ideas. Targeting a specific audience? We'll teach you how to develop and deliver your ideas and concepts. Do you need clarification on sentence structure? We cover that, too.

Writing tutors: what to expect

Tutoring services do not include editing your paper. Writing tutors will:

  • guide you on specific kinds of sentence level support and overall essay coherence
  • clarify grammar rules
  • explain writing conventions
  • guide you as you revise and edit your own sentences
  • and discuss style, language and rhetorical choices.