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SFA guest lecturer to discuss printmaking between world wars

NACOGDOCHES, TEXAS - The art history area of the Stephen F. Austin State University School of Art invites the public to a guest lecture by Dr. William U. Eiland, director of the Georgia Museum of Art, at 4:45 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 19, in Room 106 of the SFA Art Building off Wilson Dr.

Eiland will present an informal slide lecture, "American Prints Between the Wars," which surveys aspects of American printmaking from the end of World War I to World War II, with particular focus on the Great Depression years, explained David A. Lewis, SFA associate professor of art history.

Under Eiland's leadership, the Georgia Museum of Art has achieved national prominence among college and university museums, both for its innovative exhibitions, scholarly research, and tremendous growth, Lewis continued. Eiland has contributed to more than 50 publications and is largely responsible for a new $20 million expansion project, which will be completed in 2010.

"SFA students are fortunate to have this opportunity to hear this distinguished museum professional," Lewis said. "The SFA School of Art is pleased to invite the public to attend the lecture."

For more information, please call the School of Art office at (936) 468-4804.