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Book signing to honor local artist Corinne Jones' newest publication

NACOGDOCHES, Texas - In honor of Nacogdoches artist Corinne Jones and to celebrate the release of her newest publication, "13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird," the Stephen F. Austin State University Press will host a reception and book signing at 6 p.m. Friday, Nov. 8, in the parlor of the Fredonia Hotel.

The book is Jones' visual interpretation of American poet Wallace Stevens' "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird," which originally appeared in 1917 and was published in his first book, "Harmonium," in 1923.

"I find the poem to be of strong imagery and subtle nuance, and my experience changes with each reading," Jones said. "I return to it often. And as time passes, I discover many people are moved by this very same poem."

This particular work by Jones, who three years ago had created a series of large charcoal drawings and carborundum prints of blackbirds, was originally published in a fine press edition of 24 books of hand-set type of Stevens' words and Jones' images of blackbirds by the LaNana Creek Press in the SFA College of Fine Arts.

After viewing the fine press book, Kimberly Verhines, director of the SFAPress, suggested collaborating on a trade edition so the book could reach more people.

"This new trade edition - a 10-inch by 10-inch reprint of the original fine arts book - juxtaposes Jones' beautiful and sensual prints of blackbirds against Stevens' poetic text," Verhines said. "The result is the wonderful and vibrant increase of life and power inherent in each artwork when taken as a whole."

Jones earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts with an emphasis in painting from Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, Tenn., and a Master of Art and Master of Fine Arts from SFA. She taught classes in drawing as adjunct faculty at Angelina College for 12 years and at SFA for 10 years. Her artwork is represented by Chandler Fine Art Gallery, San Francisco, Calif., and by Avis Frank Gallery, Houston.