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SFA’s Kantorei choirs to present virtual concert of sacred music

NACOGDOCHES, Texas – The Kantorei choirs at Stephen F. Austin State University will present a virtual concert titled “Sanctity” that will feature sacred music written for treble chorus at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 16.

The concert program will include “Messe Basse” by Gabriel Fauré; “Gloria” from Mass no. 6 by György Orbàn; and “Psalm 23” by the late, great Canadian composer Srul Irving Glick. Dr. Tod Fish, associate director of choral activities in the SFA School of Music, directs the choirs.

“The styles featured for this performance are challenging for the groups due to their diversity,” Fish said. “The Glick ‘Psalm 23’ challenges the students as the composer sets the rhythm of the music to fit the text declamation. In the Fauré piece, the choir sings many lovely unison passages coupled with shimmering, soft dynamic levels. ‘Gloria’ is highly rhythmic with the mixing of symmetrical and asymmetrical meters to fit the text.

“I am proud of the work the choir has put in to face the challenges of these quite different compositions,” he added.

Grant Peterson, first-year graduate student in choral conducting from Wylie, will conduct the Orbàn work. Collaborative pianist for the concert is graduate student Greg Simmons from Tyler.

To access the live concert free of charge, visit For additional information, contact the School of Music at (936) 468-4602.