While international students have limitations on where and how many hours they can work, there are many opportunities for employment. F-1 visa students are allowed to work up to 20 hours per week on campus during the academic terms. In some situations, J-1 visa students also may be able to work on campus. Student employment is facilitated online through Human Resources.

Special authorization to work off campus is awarded if you receive an internship opportunity.

Applying for a Social Security number

If you are offered a job on campus, you become eligible to apply for a Social Security number. Follow these steps to apply for a Social Security card:

  1. Request a formal hiring letter from your department, written on department letterhead. The letter should include the following details:
    • Job title
    • Start date
    • General description of job duties
  2. Bring the hiring letter to the Office of International Programs and request a Social Security letter,
  3. Return the letter to the OIP within 24 hours to pick up your letters and go to the Social Security office in Lufkin to apply for your card.
    • You must wait at least 10 days after you initially entered the United States to visit the Social Security office.
  4. Be sure to bring the following items with you to the Social Security office:
    • Passport and I-94 card
    • I-20
    • Letter from employer
    • Social Security letter from OIP
    • Application form
    • Your local mailing address and phone number

Social Security Office
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday
702 East Denman Avenue, Lufkin

Lufkin is located about 25 miles south of Nacogdoches on Highway 59. The office will close for all federal holidays.

More information and the application form are available online on the Social Security Administration website.