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Get Involved

student involvement


The Office of International Programs works hard to provide support for all international students. There are always opportunities to get help, get involved or volunteer. Explore an overview of major activities organized by your fellow international students!

International Friendship Program

Designed to promote interaction and helping international students become acquainted with American lifestyle and to offer opportunities for cultural exchange. Informal small groups of American and international students, faculty and staff are coordinated by the Office of International Programs. This is the first step to potentially creating a lifelong friendship with people from all around the globe as well as contributing to tolerance and understanding in the world.

Cultural Experience Presentations

A monthly (or more often) presentation by SFA international students as they share their culture and traditions, talk about the everyday lives of their home country and speak from their own experiences. This is a unique opportunity to learn about other parts of the world from those in your generation who grew up there. In addition to the presentation, free authentic traditional food is often provided.

International Student Association

American and international students join together in this organization to create a better social and cultural atmosphere for all international students to assist them with their cultural transition and assimilation in classrooms, on-campus and in local communities. The group also promotes and supports academic, athletic, cultural and social activities in order to stimulate the participation and interactions of international students in university and community life.


For more information on these events or to suggest something new, contact

Contact the Office of International Programs

Open: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST. Monday-Friday
Call: 936.468.6631
Visit: Steen Library, Suite 103
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