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The Office of International Programs offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate study abroad programs in six types detailed below. In addition to our renowned SFA faculty-led programs, you can choose from any type of program offered by another United States university, study abroad organization or program provider, or you may direct-enroll at a university abroad.

Important: The program you choose must offer studies at an accredited university. OIP will assist you in determining whether programs are accredited.

Worried about limitations from language barriers?

Many programs are offered in English-speaking countries and in countries where you can take your course in English even though the official language isn’t English.

Studying abroad in a non-English speaking country will help you quickly build communication proficiency and enhance problem-solving skills that can ultimately benefit you both personally and professionally.

Program Types

Program lengths vary: some last just the summer while others are a semester or a full academic year. Students also are able to study abroad multiple times, as long as they receive approval for their study abroad courses. Take your time and learn the difference between these opportunities. Be sure to keep in mind your answers to the question prompts on the getting started page.

Faculty-led programs

Directed by SFA faculty members with participants being fully comprised of fellow Lumberjacks, these programs take the classroom abroad by immersing you in the excursions and cultural activities built into the program, where your professor will leverage the study abroad location to enhance your learning opportunities.

Upcoming Programs

You will receive a grade for your study abroad SFA course and it will impact your GPA.

These programs have SFA tuition and fees, so you may be able to apply tuition waiver scholarship and any applicable financial aid!

General application costs include:

  • SFA study abroad application fee
  • SFA tuition and fees
  • Program fee
    • Expenses included vary for each program.

The January 2019 SFA Board of Regents meeting approved certain fee waivers in Board Order 19-24, stating, "...the Recreational Sports Fee and Student Center Fee be waived for study abroad students who participate in semester-long study abroad programs in Maymester, Summer I, and Summer II semesters."

Affiliated providers

Many students choose to study abroad through program affiliated providers.  These organizations offer a variety of academic courses and internship opportunities for nearly any major in a wide variety of countries and academic terms.

Students who attend these programs pay tuition and program fees to the program providers. Some financial aid may still apply! Your study abroad courses are counted as pass/fail, do not impact your SFA GPA and will show up in your transcript as transfer credit.

General application costs include:

  • SFA study abroad application fee
  • Affiliated application and program fee
    • Payment is made to affiliated provider.

Direct exchange with partner universities

Currently available for students majoring in theatre, music, business, or modern language with a concentration in Portuguese, this program allows students to enroll as a full-time visiting student at a university abroad during a fall or spring semester. Contact your department for more information about upcoming opportunities.

Students who participate in a direct exchange program pay regular SFA tuition and fees as if they were studying on campus, making exchanges one of the most cost-effective ways to study abroad. Living expenses are typically paid on-site. Financial aid may apply.

General application costs include:

  • SFA study abroad application fee
  • Host university application fee – if applicable
  • Any applicable housing deposits and fees
    • Varies for each program

ISEP programs (direct and exchange)

There are two program models offered through ISEP:

ISEP Exchange

ISEP Exchange allows you to swap spots with a student from another ISEP Exchange university. You'll select up to 10 preferred exchange universities on your application and ISEP will pair you with the best option based on availability and your academic needs.

On ISEP Exchange, you’ll pay an application fee and a program fee to SFA based on the cost of tuition, fees, housing, and a full meal plan. Financial aid may apply. The student at the participating exchange university will do the same, thereby you will both create a "spot" for each other at the respective exchange university.

ISEP Direct

ISEP Direct guarantees that you get to study at the university of your choice (as long as you meet minimum academic requirements). ISEP Direct fees cover tuition, health insurance, and often housing and meals. Financial aid may apply.

Regardless of which program model you choose, your study abroad courses are counted as pass/fail, do not impact your SFA GPA and will show up in your transcript as transfer credit.  

General application costs include:

  • SFA study abroad application fee
  • ISEP application fee


Some programs offer both full internships and internships blended with coursework. In all cases, these internships are unpaid and offer academic credit towards the student’s degree. Depending on the program, the internship placement may be pre-selected or students may be able to customize their experience to meet their own needs. These are an excellent way to build practical experience and add substantial skills to a student’s resume.

General application costs include:

  • SFA study abroad application fee
  • Affiliated application and program fee
    • Payment is made to affiliated provider.
  • Any applicable housing deposits and fees
    • Varies for each program

Service learning

These programs involve service-learning opportunities, where students can earn credits through a service-learning placement assisting with local issues in addition to coursework abroad.

The nature of the service is often set by the program offering it and students are usually enrolled in additional courses as part of the program. Academic credit is awarded based on demonstration (through reports, papers, multi-media projects) of learning associated with the service they have performed.

General application costs include:

  • SFA study abroad application fee
  • Affiliated application and program fee
    • Payment is made to affiliated provider.
  • Any applicable housing deposits and fees
    • Varies for each program

Virtual programs

Virtual study abroad recreates much of the study abroad experience, infusing your educational experience with a global foundation through learning about a new culture, immersing yourself in a new language and connecting with people around the globe.

Just as in a traditional study abroad program, you’ll take courses from instructors who are experts in the field and often are on the ground in the location you are learning about.

Some affiliated providers and ISEP offer virtual internship options. This provides the opportunity to gain international experience without needing a passport. Virtual internships effectively break down financial barriers and open the door to a wider variety of students.

General application costs include:

  • SFA study abroad application fee
  • Program fee

In addition to the general application costs listed under each program type, you may need to budget for passport and visa fees, as well as expenses specific to the program. For example, most of our study abroad programs require participants to download the Safey Emergency System mobile app and connect to the SFA portal while abroad. Always check the cost information listed in the details on viaTRM for the specific program.

View our Cost and Aid page for information on scholarships and other financial assistance.

Explore and apply

When you're ready, visit our traveler relationship management platform, viaTRM, and log on using your mySFA credentials. First-time users will be prompted to complete a profile.



Inés Maxit, Study Abroad Coordinator

Contact the Office of International Programs

Open: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST. Monday-Friday
Call: 936.468.6631
Visit: Steen Library, Suite 103
Staff directory

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