Participants in Nacogdoches Naturally Family Outdoor Adventures, a Stephen F. Austin State University event, will get the best of both worlds on Oct. 13: a hike in the woods at the SFA Experimental Forest and a visit to a history fair, Blast from the Past, in downtown Nacogdoches.
After meeting at 9 a.m. at the SFA Pineywoods Native Plant Center, 2900 Raguet St., the group will caravan to the SFA Experimental Forest on FM 2782, south of Nacogdoches. Following a leisurely morning hike along the trails, the group will have a picnic lunch before traveling to Festival Plaza to enjoy the activities at the Blast from the Past history fair. A 2 p.m. return to the Native Plant Center is planned.
This event will be an opportunity for families to enjoy the natural beauty of an East Texas forest and learn about the rich history of this area. The Stephen F. Austin Experimental Forest is located eight miles southwest of Nacogdoches. The .8 mile-long Jack Creek Loop is barrier-free and constructed for universal accessibility. Following the spring-fed perennial stream, visitors will hike along the path with a view of the mature mixed forest of pines and hardwoods.
Each family will need to pack its own sack lunch. Nacogdoches Naturally will provide cold water, binoculars, magnifiers and field guides for the hike. Light snacks and fruit also will be available.
Nacogdoches Naturally Family Outdoor Adventures is a project sponsored by SFA Gardens and funded through a More Kids in the Woods grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Forest Service. Activities are designed to cultivate outdoor skills and an awareness of forest ecology with the goal of families developing a lifetime enjoyment in the natural world. Programs are family friendly and appropriate for all ages.
Cost for the event is $15 per family, if the family has its own transportation. If SFA van transportation is needed, the cost will be $25 per family. Registration deadline for the Saturday event is Thursday, Oct. 11.
To register, call Kerry Lemon at (936) 468-5586 or e-mail lemonkb@sfasu.edu.