NACOGDOCHES, Texas - Parastoo Nikravesh, a Stephen F. Austin State University mass communication junior from Jacksonville, Texas, was awarded the Founders' Scholarship from the Headliners Foundation of Texas, a non-profit organization promoting excellence in journalism.
The scholarships are annually awarded to Texas journalism students who demonstrate excellence in school and journalistic writing, editing, or video and multimedia production.
Dr. John Hendricks, chair and professor in SFA's Department of Mass Communication, praised Nikravesh for her work ethic and dedication to the field.
"She is the epitome of a great student," Hendricks said. "Parastoo has an incredible work ethic and is a leader among her peers. She is most deserving of this scholarship."
As a student journalist, Nikravesh serves as the editor-in-chief of The Pine Log, SFA's award-winning student newspaper. Previously, she served on staff as a contributing writer, staff writer, news editor and managing editor.
"Coming to SFA has given me great experience because there's focus on the individual," Nikravesh said. "I've spent more time creating relationships with my peers and professors than I imagine I would have at a larger school."
Nikravesh's passion for journalism is longstanding. In high school, she worked on the student yearbook as a copy editor and editor-in-chief. She also competed in University Interscholastic League journalism events such as news and feature writing.
Professionally, she works for The Odyssey Online, where she posts weekly articles about a variety of topics from entertainment to politics.
"I've always wanted to be a writer," Nikravesh said. "Working for The Pine Log and studying journalism at SFA only makes me more certain I'm on the right path."