30-50 Years
Three long-term Stephen F. Austin State University staff members were among those recently honored during a staff recognition ceremony. Nick Stallworth, student center administration, and Carla Chumley, residence life, were each honored for 30 years of service to the university. Carolyn Hardy, who has worked for SFA’s admissions office for 50 years, also was honored. Pictured are, from left, Stallworth, Chumley, Hardy and SFA Interim President Dr. Steve Westbrook.
20 Years
Thirteen Stephen F. Austin State University staff members recently were honored for 20 years of service. Honorees included James Egner, information technology services; Lysa Hagan and Pam Neely, charter school; Pat Barnett, music preparatory; Trina Benson Menefee, College of Sciences and Mathematics; Lynda Langham, registrar; Ann Foster, procurement and property services; Shirley Luna and Jason Johnstone, university marketing communications; Cynthia Baize, agriculture; Barbara Blackwell, theatre; Tiffany Gauntt, Center for Regional Heritage Research; and Tricia Lance, academic advising. Pictured with Dr. Steve Westbrook, SFA interim president, center, are, from left, Egner, Hagan, Neely, Luna, Barnett, Menefee, Langham, Foster and Johnstone.
10 Years
SFA staff members honored for 10 years of service included Stephanie Weatherford, Academic Assistance Resource Center; Sherrie Bradford, admissions; Wesley Pittman, agriculture; Cody Clark, athletics; Stephanie Creel, Kathryn Darden, Lauree Faires, Angelique Beckwith and Holli Zawlocki, charter school; Becky Smith, development; Shannon Jacobs, disability services; Tammy Mitchum and Sara Wilkerson Williams, financial aid; Teresa Bell, forestry; Micki Gunter, graduate school; Barbara Gresham Hunter, human resources; Bonnie Fyffe, human services; Karrie Roberson and Jacquelyn Vose, information technology services; Amber Middleton, institutional research; Susanna Ramirez, mathematics and statistics; Damon Derrick, Office of General Counsel; Jessica DeWitt, Bill Bryant, Gary Carver, Veronica Herrera, Vanessia Lewis, Shaun McGhiey, Deborah Oliver, Bobbie Sanders and Jeff Ghiringhelli, physical plant; Tamara Story, physics, engineering and astronomy; Winston Baker, Zachary Ferguson, Kimberly Lee and Jeannette Viasana, residence life; Kim Carmona, College of Sciences and Mathematics; Judy Montgomery, social work; Jennifer Klingenberg, student affairs support services; Robin Johnson, university marketing communications; and Marcus Madden and Uril Upshaw, University Police Department.
Pictured standing, from left, are honorees Bradford, Wilkerson Williams, Ramirez, Middleton, Ghiringhelli, Mitchum, SFA Interim President Steve Westbrook, honorees Derrick, Baker, Upshaw, Johnson, Creel, Zawlocki and Carmona. Seated, from left, are Weatherford, Story, DeWitt, Darden, Faires and Beckwith.
President’s award
Four SFA employees received the President’s Achievement Award in recognition of outstanding achievement and excellent service. Pictured with Dr. Steve Westbrook, SFA interim president, are, from left, Gloria Hoefler-Johnson, languages, cultures and communication; Lisa Stone, James I. Perkins College of Education Student Services and Advising Center; and Inés Maxit, Office of International Programs. Amanda Kennedy, University Police Department, also received the award.
Retiring Stephen F. Austin State University staff members were honored for their service to the university. Honorees included Tyrone Patton, student center administration; Deborah Sellman, business affairs; Linda Bianco, procurement and property services; Laura Anderson, biology; Karen Brasher, Michael Dogget and Ramon Rocha, residence life; Randell Butler, Jo Ann Deckard and Brad Stapleton, physical plant; Charles Feazell, University Police Department; Matthew Fenley, Robert Hill, Sean Lonergan and Gregory Payne, athletics; Dixie Groll, liberal and applied arts; David Justus and Donna Mettier, information technology services; Shelly Lackey, university affairs support systems; Donna Rocka, computer science; Judy Eddings and Aleta Spivey, human resources; Anne Uhyrek, controller; Diane Stepp and Bonnie Walker, registrar; and Mary White, student center administration. Pictured with Dr. Steve Westbrook, SFA interim president, center, are, from left, Patton, Sellman, Bianco, Stepp and Eddings.