The Stephen F. Austin State University Rusche College of Business hosted a dedication for the Arnold Center for Entrepreneurship, or ACE, Sunday. The center is named for Greg Arnold of Dallas, who received a Bachelor of Business Administration in marketing from SFA in 1987. Arnold is CEO of TAC - The Arnold Companies, a multi-business company built on a foundation of wholesale petroleum distribution and aviation services. Celebrating at the ribbon cutting are, front row, from left, Dr. Steve Westbrook, SFA president-elect; Ashley and Greg Arnold, ACE benefactors; Karen Gantt, SFA Board of Regents chair; Jennifer Wade Winston, board secretary; Brigettee Carnes Henderson, regent; Paige Vadnais, student regent; and Robert Flores, regent. Back row, from left, are Dr. Tim Bisping, College of Business dean; David Alders, regent; Judy Larson Olson, regent; Nancy C. Windham, regent; and Lauren Rectenwald, regent. For more information, visit sfasu.edu/ace.
Photo by Hardy Meredith.