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Leadership skills for public service

SFA’s Texas Certified Public Manager Program trains public and nonprofit managers in the ethical values, technical competencies and management skills associated with public service. Our nationally accredited program is designed for working professionals seeking to improve their leadership skills and enhance their opportunities for promotion into management positions.

The CPM curriculum consists of seven courses, or “tracks,” designed to build your skills in managing real-world public management challenges. Each track includes seminars, networking, field-based applications and readings team-taught by academic and practitioner faculty members.

Join the ranks

When you complete the CPM program, you’ll receive a certificate of completion from the SFA Department of Government for 25 contact hours of management training and education for each track completed. The program has more than 200 graduates, and you’ll be joining the ranks of more than 2,000 certified public managers in Texas.

Earn continuing education credit

The Texas Commission on Law Enforcement has approved and accepts Continuing Education Credit for the Texas Certified Public Manager Program.


You must register for the Texas Certified Public Manager program by mail. We accept check or cash payments, but no credit cards. We can also process purchase orders.

Please print and complete the Registration Form, enclose payment and mail to:

Dr. Richard J. Herzog
Texas CPM Program
P.O. Box 13045, SFA Station
Nacogdoches, TX  75962

Texas Certified Public Manager Program

The Certified Public Manager program consists of seven courses, or “tracks,” to be completed within a five-year period. CPM programs may be started with any track except Track 7. Tracks do not need to be taken in any particular order. A track also may be taken at any location offering the CPM program.

UPCOMING TRACK - Track 1: Public Personnel Administration

This track provides essential information concerning the human resources function in public sector organizations. Topics to be covered include strategic human resource planning, recruitment, equal employment opportunity, selection, training, compensation including benefits, classification, performance appraisal, workplace safety, discipline, termination and legal liability.

CPM Track 1 Dates:

  • Friday, July 12, 2024
  • Friday, Aug. 2, 2024
  • Friday, Sept. 6, 2024

Track 2: Managing for Quality

This track provides ways that public managers can emphasize quality to improve their operations. A variety of techniques will be explored that may include re-engineering, marketing, Total Quality Management, strategic planning, systems approaches and working under fiscal constraints. This track emphasizes ethical, technical and leadership competencies.

CPM Track 2 Dates:

  • Friday, Oct. 4, 2024
  • Friday, Nov. 1, 2024
  • Friday, Dec. 6, 2024

Track 3: Organizational Communication

This track offers essential information concerning effective methods for bettering internal and external communications. Topics include communicating with governing and oversight bodies, barriers to effective communication, and dealing with disagreements, conflict and group-think. Ways for improving oral and written communication are also covered.

CPM Track 3 Dates:

  • Friday, Jan. 3, 2025
  • Friday, Feb. 7, 2025
  • Friday, Mar. 7, 2025

Track 4: Public Finance and Budgeting

Information concerning the theory and practice of public finance and budgeting is discussed in this track. The role of government in the economy and society is showcased. The basics of budgeting formats, processes, forecasting and implementation are illustrated. Purchasing, auditing and risk management will also be covered.

CPM Track 4 Dates: 

  • Friday, Apr. 4, 2025
  • Friday, May 2, 2025
  • Friday, June 6, 2025

Track 5: Productivity and Program Evaluation

To provide diverse accounts of productivity enhancements in government and nonprofit organizations. Strategic planning, program development and decision-making models are emphasized. Evaluation methods (e.g., benchmarking, feedback assessment) and challenges are discussed. The legal aspects of public administration are covered. Participants develop skills designed to improve public sector performance.

CPM Track 5 Dates: 

  • Friday, July 11, 2025
  • Friday, Aug. 1, 2025
  • Friday, Sept. 5, 2025

Track 6: Information Systems for Managers

This track provides the background in informal, formal and technological management information systems that are used in the public sector. A variety of technological tools will be explored including web sites, networking, the internet and Microsoft Office programs. These tools can be used to better the services of public sector organizations.

CPM Track 6 Dates: 

  • Friday, Oct. 3, 2025
  • Friday, Nov. 7, 2025
  • Friday, Dec. 5, 2025

Track 7: Applied Research Practicum

This track provides students with the opportunity and tools necessary to prepare a major applied project related to their organization or area of interest. This track is the "capstone" of the CPM program and will incorporate lessons and information provided in the other six tracks.

Participants work in a cohort with Dr. Herzog to write a paper and make a presentation. 


Dr. Rick Herzog
Texas CPM Program Director
Stephen F. Austin State University

Dugas Liberal Arts North
Room 139

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 13045, SFA Station
Nacogdoches, Texas 75962