There are numerous different chemical, biological and radioactive hazardous materials used throughout the SFA campus on a daily basis. These chemicals are used in a variety of settings such as laboratories, research facilities, building maintenance operations, construction/renovation projects and more. The range of individuals using chemical substances at the university also varies greatly from students, faculty, staff and contractors. Each hazardous material user should educate themselves with the specific hazardous material that they plan to work with, and consider response options in case of a spill or release beforehand. With the high level of chemical, biological and radioactivity (i.e., laboratory use, plant operations, etc.) around the campus there is a high probability that a “spill” will occur. These general controls are designed to aid the user in responding to spills in which the user has a thorough knowledge of the hazardous substances and there is no immediate threat to the safety and health to the user or others in the vicinity. However in the event of a spill or release of any compound that the user cannot control, or has any concerns about controlling, they should immediately call for assistance.

Spill Emergencies

Environmental Health, Safety and Risk Management
Phone: 936.468.4532
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday

University of Texas System Police Department at SFA
Emergencies: 911
Non-emergencies: 936.468.2608
After normal business hours

Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC)