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Strategic Enrollment Planning
October 2023 - June 2024


Overview and Process


A data-informed approach to initiatives and campuswide collaboration enables strategic enrollment planning and management to:

  • focus on the university mission statement and students' educational goals
  • set clear enrollment and student success goals
  • and develop tactics and strategies to achieve those goals.

Plans and initiatives must be adaptable and responsive to data, assessment and SFA's changing needs. They also must be easy to understand and grounded in the academic context of the university.


In support of institutional enrollment goals, SFA is engaging in a campus-wide Strategic Enrollment Planning process, designed to enhance — not replace — the University Strategic Plan. The SEP process involves multiple stakeholders and has the commitment of university leadership. This support ensures adequate resources are available for the most impactful initiatives that arise. 

The SEP steering committee and councils are guided by SFA's foundational goal of meaningful and sustained enrollment growth with additional guidance from the four supporting goals.

View the tentative timeline.

University Mission Statement

Stephen F. Austin State University is a comprehensive institution dedicated to excellence in teaching, research, scholarship, creative work and service. Through the personal attention of our faculty and staff, we engage our students in a learner-centered environment and offer opportunities to prepare for the challenges of living in the global community.

University Strategic Plan

Foundational Goal

Through an appropriate mix of relevant programs, delivery methods and locations, we will attract an increasing number of students seeking to prepare themselves for the future. Enrollment growth will be evidence of our productive participation in achieving the state's strategic goal for developing a more educated population. In addition, growth provides the foundation for our ongoing fiscal sustainability.

University Strategic Plan

Supporting Goals

  1. Attract and support high-quality faculty and staff.
  2. Foster academic and co-curricular innovation.
  3. Redefine university culture.
  4. Increase connections.

Message from Interim President Gina Oglesbee

I am excited to announce the launch of a campuswide Strategic Enrollment Planning process. This effort will help us formulate a plan to achieve sustainable growth in enrollment as we prepare to welcome a new permanent president.

SEP is a data-informed, collaborative process that helps us identify our strengths and weaknesses, develop realistic goals and implement strategies to achieve them. This effort is led by Dr. Lee Furbeck, our vice president for enrollment management, and Dr. Lorenzo Smith, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs.

In this time of a challenging and competitive higher education landscape, SEP will help us attract and retain more students by:

  • engaging in a deeper understanding of our target markets (who we serve) and their needs
  • refining our recruitment and admissions processes
  • developing a more cohesive and supportive campus environment to retain students
  • and investing in programs and services that our students and communities need to thrive.

The SEP process — more than any final document developed — will create a collective understanding and perspective for enrollment growth that can be supported by our university, as well as help create a smooth transition for our new permanent president by providing a clear understanding of our enrollment environment.

I am confident SEP will build on the success of our first century as we cross the threshold into our second and continue in our first year as a member of The University of Texas System. Thank you to those who will be leading this effort and working closely with the committee, its councils and groups. My hope is that we will all embrace this process as we plan together for our future.

Thank you for your support.

Axe 'em,
Gina Oglesbee
Interim President

Message from the Steering Committee Co-Chairs

Welcome to SFA's Strategic Enrollment Planning initiative!

At the heart of SFA's mission and our overarching strategic vision lies our commitment to student success, which is the foundation of our strategic enrollment planning and strategic enrollment management efforts.

SEP is a forward-looking, methodical, evidence-based process that harmonizes the university's academic, financial and cocurricular resources with our enrollment strategies and priorities. The aim is to ensure our longevity in enrollment success and financial stability.

This initiative is a collaborative campuswide endeavor drawing on the collective expertise and insights of our faculty, staff and students. It's a shared journey, and this website will serve as your central hub for all updates as we progress from planning to execution in our enrollment strategies.

Your input is invaluable. We encourage you to share your thoughts and questions at any stage of the process.

Thank you for being an integral part of shaping SFA's future. Let's embark on this promising journey together!

Axe 'em,
Dr. Lee Furbeck and Dr. Lorenzo Smith
Steering Committee Co-Chairs

Underlying Assumptions

The following underlying assumptions are based on the university mission statement, strategic plan and those of The University of Texas System:

  • Meaningful and sustained enrollment growth is desired and necessary.
  • Areas of focus are those with the most opportunity to grow and sustain enrollment.
  • SFA will continue to work toward designation as a Hispanic-serving institution.
  • Resulting initiatives will be grounded in the institutional mission with student success at the forefront.

Steering Committee and Councils

The SEP structure consists of multiple cross-functional teams made up of faculty, staff, university leadership and students.

Steering Committee

Responsible for developing SFA's long-term enrollment goals, approving strategies and communicating with leadership. Following the initial planning process, this committee will transition to a Strategic Enrollment Management Committee which may have new membership.

Contact the committee chairs.


  • Dr. Lorenzo Smith, provost and executive vice president for the Division of Academic Affairs
  • Dr. Lee Furbeck, vice president for Enrollment Management

Recruitment Council

Responsible for developing strategies regarding outreach and recruitment for all student populations, including domestic and international, undergraduate and graduate, first-year and transfer, on-campus and online, dual credit and other special populations.

Contact the council chairs.


  • Courtney Burns, director of undergraduate recruitment
  • Dr. Nathan Nabb, director of the School of Music

Retention and Completion Council

Responsible for developing strategies for persistence and graduation for all degree-seeking student populations, including domestic and international, undergraduate and graduate, first-year and transfer, on-campus and online.

Contact the council chairs.


  • Dr. Andrew Dies, dean of students and assistant vice president for the Division of Student Affairs
  • Megan Weatherly, executive director for the Lumberjack Learning Commons

Academic Programs and Deliveries Council

Responsible for creating strategies that align SFA's programs and delivery modes with market and student demand.

Contact the council chairs.


  • Dr. Marc Guidry, associate provost for the Division of Academic Affairs
  • Dr. Christina Sinclair, associate dean for the James I. Perkins College of Education

Marketing and Communications Council

Responsible for addressing strategies related to the university brand and both internal and external marketing and communications.

Contact the council chairs.


  • Graham Garner, chief marketing communications officer
  • Kimberly Morris, director of enrollment communications and strategy

Data Council

Responsible for providing retroactive environmental scans, review of institutional data, mechanisms for requesting reports, research on enrollment projections and information to the SEP steering committee and councils as needed.

Contact the council chair.


  • Karyn Hall, director of the Office of Strategic Analytics and Institutional Research


Share your thoughts

Strategic enrollment growth is important to the entire SFA community and beyond. Your feedback and suggestions are encouraged.

Contact the steering committee or council chairs by emailing Include guidance for directing your message in the subject line (e.g., "Steering Committee" or "Retention and Completion Council").