Getting involved

Joining a professional society, club, organization or honor society is a great way to make friends, get to know your professors, connect with professionals in the field and become a more successful student. SFA is home to more than 200 student clubs and organizations, including clubs for students interested in forestry, agriculture, environmental science, and geospatial science.

Forestry Professional Societies

Students are strongly encouraged to be involved with one or more of the following professional organizations:

Society of American Foresters

The Society of American Foresters is the national organization for all forestry and natural resources professionals including forest management, wildlife management, fire ecology, urban forestry, and resource interpretation. Members of this professional forestry organization have the opportunity to connect with forestry professionals, present at local, state, and national conferences, and learn about careers in natural resources. Membership is open to students from all majors.

To learn more, contact faculty advisor, Dr. Rebecca Kidd at

The Wildlife Society

The objectives of The Wildlife Society include:

  • developing and promoting sound stewardship of wildlife resources and of the environment
  • taking an active role in the prevention of human-induced environmental degradation
  • increasing awareness and appreciation of wildlife values
  • and seeking the highest standards in all activities related to the wildlife profession.

Students interested in joining this organization can contact faculty advisor Dr. Daniel Scognamillo at

National Association of Environmental Professionals

Students interested in environmental issues can join the student chapter of this national organization, which provides a variety of networking and career development opportunities. To learn more, contact faculty advisor Dr. Ken Farrish at

Learn more about the National Association of Environmental Professionals.

National Association of Interpretation

This organization provides members with opportunities to sharpen their environmental, cultural, historical interpretation, communication and leadership skills. Students who join the National Association of Interpretation volunteer, participate in community projects and attend professional conferences and conventions.

To learn more, contact faculty advisor Dr. Pat Stephens-Williams at

Association for Fire Ecology, Student Chapter

Learn about careers in fire ecology and the use of fire in natural resource management. The Student Fire Fighting Crew is part of this organization, and is available to assist the U.S. Forest Service, Texas Parks and Wildlife and other organizations with prescribed burns or wildland fire fighting.

To learn more, contact faculty advisor Dr. Brian P. Oswald at

Student Society of Arboriculture

The student chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture connects students to networking opportunities and information about “green” industries and careers. The SFA chapter has a combined membership made up of forestry and horticulture students though the organization is open to students from other majors as well.

To learn more, contact Dr. David Kulhavy at

The Sylvans

Members of this social organization organize and promote a variety of forestry projects and student events, including the annual forestry skills competition.

To learn more, contact faculty advisor Dr. Jeremy Stovall at

Ducks Unlimited, SFA Student Chapter

As members of the student chapter of Ducks Unlimited, students will learn about conserving, protecting and restoring North American wetlands.

To learn more, contact Dr. Daniel Scognamillo at

Texas Trophy Hunters Association

Students who join this fast-growing organization can get involved with volunteer efforts in scientific research and white-tail deer management. Membership is open to all SFA students.

To learn more, contact Dr. Daniel Scognamillo at