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The certificate in applied ethics is based on an interdisciplinary curriculum that supports and extends a student’s major and offers them an enhanced ability to evaluate ethical issues related to their major field or future profession. An examination of morality and ethical theory fused with disciplines such as public administration, sciences and more offers students a deeper understanding of how to pursue a career or conduct research in their primary field of study. Ethical decision-making and critical thinking are essential skills for students applying to graduate schools.

Students will take six hours of required coursework in Introduction to Ethics and Ethical Theory, and six hours of approved electives. Our certificate includes a theoretical basis for understanding ethics, and students who pursue it will complete a project that integrates their study of ethics with their future career plans. Possible electives include Ethics and Professional Issues in Accounting, Environmental Attitudes and Issues, Media Ethics, Introduction to Social Welfare and more.

For more information and a full list of electives, visit the Undergraduate Bulletin.

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P.O. Box 13042, SFA Station
Nacogdoches, Texas 75962