Explore the presentations below from our 2020 S.U.R.E. participants. Click on a poster to read the abstract and watch the poster pitch.
Joe Amell

Joe Amell
Geochemical Analyses Across the Boundary
of the Jurassic Louann Salt
Department of Geology
Student: Joe Amell
Faculty mentors: Dr. Melinda Faulkner and Dr. Julie Bloxson

Click to watch the poster pitch
Katie Bailey

Katie Bailey
Photometry of Planetary Candidate TYC 3985-1894-1
Department of Physics, Engineering and Astronomy
Student: Katie Bailey
Faculty mentors: Dr. Dan Bruton and Mr. Edward Michaels

Click to watch the poster pitch
Cole Donald

Elie Free and Matthew Oliver

Elie Free

Matthew Oliver
Orbital Analysis and Design Toolkit
Department of Physics, Engineering and Astronomy
Students: Elie Free and Matthew Oliver
Faculty mentor: Dr. James Adams

Click to watch the poster pitch
Jordan Garcia

Jordan Garcia
Shock Tube for Gas Dynamics and Chemical Kinetics Research
Department of Physics, Engineering and Astronomy
Student: Jordan Garcia
Faculty mentor: Dr. Christopher J. Aul

Click to watch the poster pitch
Taylor Grays

Alexandra Hargon

Alexandra Hargon
Analysis of the Eclipsing Binary Star FZ Orion
Department of Physics, Engineering and Astronomy
Student: Alexandra Hargon
Faculty mentor: Dr. Dan Bruton

Click to watch the poster pitch
Xander Haynes

Xander Haynes
Impacts of Fire and Flooding Events on Insects in the
Big Thicket National Preserve, Texas
Department of Biology
Student: Xander Haynes
Faculty mentors: Dr. Daniel J. Bennett

Click to watch the poster pitch
Alexandra Henderson

Alexandra Henderson
Controlling Two Redox Centers to Allow Cooperation
for Multi-Electron Redox Chemistry
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Student: Alexandra Henderson
Faculty mentor: Dr. J. Brannon Gary

Click to watch the poster pitch
Andrew Henry

Madelyn Latiolais

Madelyn Latiolais
Analysis of High-Resolution Images of Exoplanet
Host Stars from Keck Observatory
Department of Physics, Engineering and Astronomy
Student: Madelyn Latiolais
Faculty mentor: Dr. Dan Bruton and Dr. Carl Zeigler

Click to watch the poster pitch
Khang Nguyen

Khang Nguyen
A Novel Molecular and Cellular Study on Curcumin
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Student: Khang Nguyen
Faculty mentor: Dr. Bidisha Sengupta

Click to watch the poster pitch
Sylvia Schepps

Sylvia Schepps
Testing for Immune System Adaptivity: Hemocyte
Response to Bacterial Infection in Ticks
Department of Biology
Student: Sylvia Schepps
Faculty mentor: Dr. Lindsay M. Porter

Click to watch the poster pitch