Friends of the Visual Arts

Members of the Friends of the Visual Arts at the 2023 Best Friends reception honoring student scholarship recipients.

See and Support the Arts

Established in 1995, this 501(c)(3) charitable organization promotes the visual arts in the Nacogdoches community and East Texas region by supporting SFA's art galleries, including the Cole Art Center @ The Old Opera House in downtown Nacogdoches and Adams Gallery in the Griffith Fine Arts Building. The Friends of the Visual Arts also supports the School of Art faculty and students by raising and providing funds for student scholarships, friendship grants and bringing visiting artists to campus for lectures and workshops.

FVA is committed to:

  • Act as a liaison between the community and its schools and SFA's School of Art and its galleries.
  • Encourage gifts, endowments and financial aid to SFA's School of Art and its galleries.
  • Sponsor programs designed to add to the cultural life of the East Texas community and the university.
  • Work with artists and arts organizations to foster and promote the visual arts.

Donate to FVA Today!

Contact the Friends of Visual Arts

Linda Mock, Cole Art Center business manager