We are thrilled to continue growing the Lumberjack Transfer Alliance with our partnering institutions.
With a deep commitment to transfer student access and success, SFA wants to truly transform the lives of students. We focus on cultivating partnerships with community colleges to provide you with the support and resources needed to be successful now and in the future.
Benefits of transferring to SFA
This partnership with community colleges in East Texas offers guaranteed admission, scholarships and enhanced services, including:
- opportunities to meet with SFA advisors while completing requirements at the partnering community college.
- invitations each semester to tour SFA and attend recruitment events.
- a one-time $500 stipend (in addition to SFA's transfer scholarship) for students who meet
- SFA eligibility criteria and grade point average
- and have completed an Associate of Arts or an Associate of Science from the partnering community college.
- opportunities to connect with other students transferring to SFA.
- informational events at SFA and the partnering college.
- seamless transfers and on-time graduations from both institutions.
- opportunities to attend SFA events, including sports and fine arts.
- no additional admission application or application fee required to transfer to SFA.
That's right - no additional application or fee to transfer from a participating community college in the Lumberjack Transfer Alliance!
Let's get started
Are you ready to earn your degree in a more timely and affordable manner?
Complete the Lumberjack Transfer Alliance Interest Form to get started.