Why become a high school teacher?

Teaching in a high school offers you an opportunity to make a real contribution to society. As a high school teacher, you will mold the upcoming generation and give them the tools to become effective citizens.

A secondary school teacher’s job carries tremendous responsibility. You’ll be protecting your young charges, meeting their vastly different learning goals and developing their values and direction. You’ll help them navigate from teenagers to young men and women. With your secondary education studies, you’ll share your passion for teaching and have an important, lifelong impact on young students’ lives.

The Department of Education Studies offers several exciting and innovative programs that prepare you for a career in the secondary school setting. You can earn your teaching certification in secondary education, a minor in secondary education or a Master of Science in secondary education.

High school teaching opportunities continue to grow

Of course, teaching high school is as much a calling as a career decision. You’ll gain personal fulfillment working with young people, find pride in their achievements and act as a role model for future leaders.

Become eligible to seek a teacher certification

As an undergraduate student, you’ll earn a degree in the subject you’re going to teach while you minor in secondary education. This minor enables you to be eligible to seek certification with the Texas Education Agency. Once you become a credentialed teacher and gain experience in the classroom, many opportunities are open to you.

JacksTeach is a program that prepares you to seek a secondary science, technology, engineering or mathematics teaching certification at the same time you are pursuing a four-year science or math degree with no additional semesters required to graduate.

Prerequisite requirements for admission to the undergraduate certificate preparation program include HDFS 2302 and admission to teacher education.

Certification areas

Agriculture, food and natural resources (grades 6-12)
Chemistry (grades 7-12)
Dance (grades 8-12)
English language arts and reading (grades 7-12)
Family and consumer sciences (grades 6-12)
History (grades 7-12)
Hospitality, nutrition and food sciences (grades 8-12)
Human development and family studies (grades 8-12)
Life science (grades 7-12)
Mathematics (grades 7-12)
Physical science (grades 6-12)
Social studies (grades 7-12)
Speech (grades 7-12)
Technology applications (grades 8-12)
Art (grades EC-12)
Deaf and hard of hearing (grades EC-12)
French (grades EC-12)
Music (grades EC-12)
Physical education (grades EC-12)
Spanish (grades EC-12)
Special education (grades EC-12)
Theatre (grades EC-12)

Minor in secondary education

The Department of Education Studies offers secondary or EC-12 certification through general coursework and a secondary education minor. Students may obtain certification through coursework if their major does not accept the secondary education minor.

The secondary education minor includes 24 hours to complement select majors in other colleges for students interested in teaching in upper grades. Prerequisites for admission to the undergraduate minor program include HDFS 2302 and admission to teacher education.

For more information email: SEED.UG@sfasu.edu.

Graduate programs

The Department of Education Studies offers several graduate degrees for students interested in advanced degrees. While graduate programs can be designed to meet students’ individual needs, most students choose one of the two degree plans.

For more information on graduate course offerings and admission standards, contact the Department of Education Studies to talk with an advisor.