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Contact Grants and Sponsored Programs if you would like to schedule a workshop for your department. Typical workshops include:

Budget Development

Learn how to develop a budget that meets both sponsor and university requirements and how to determine salary, calculate fringe benefits, outline participant support and more. Also covered are guidelines for items such as matching/cost sharing and faculty compensation.

Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (Research Ethics Training Programs)

SFA has subscribed to the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI), which provides research ethics education courses in the areas of human subjects research, responsible conduct of research, financial conflict of interest, and animal care and use.

All SFA faculty, staff and students are encouraged to create a CITI account and register for applicable CITI courses for the purpose of their research, activities and coursework.

Each course contains a set of modules, typically 20 minutes in length, and contains a quiz. The number of modules in each course varies.

Once a course has been started, you can leave and re-enter the course at any time. To pass a course, you must receive an average of 80% on module quizzes. If needed, module content can be revisited, and quizzes can be retaken to achieve a higher score until a passing score is achieved. If you need to submit proof of completion to a supervisor, project investigator or professor for course credit, you can print out a completion report directly from your account.

List of available CITI courses of most interest to SFA:

  • Human subjects research courses - Courses include Biomedical Research Investigators, Social and Behavioral Research Investigators, IRB Members, Students - class projects, and Research with Data of Laboratory Specimens Only.
  • Responsible conduct of research courses - Courses include Biomedical RCR, Social and Behavioral RCR, Physical Science RCR, Humanities RCR, and Research Administrators RCR.
  • Financial conflict of interest course
  • Animal care and use courses - Courses include Working with the IACUC for Investigators, Staff and Students; Essentials for IACUC Members; Working with Mice; Working with Amphibians; Working with Rats; Working with Hamsters; Working with Gerbils; Working with Guinea Pigs; and Reducing Pain and Distress in Laboratory Mice and Rats. 

The Grant Process

This workshop follows the life cycle of a grant from proposal to award management to closeout. Basic steps are outlined for navigating ORGS and other university grant processes.

Grant Writing 101

This basic workshop assists you in understanding where to search for grant opportunities and gives a quick overview of proposal preparation.

Writing a Grant

This workshop provides an overview of the basic principles of writing a successful proposal, the life cycle of the proposal process and ways to determine the right funding source for your project.

Internal Funding Overview

Discover the internal funding opportunities available at SFA.

PIVOT Database Training

Learn how to use this subscription database to find external funding opportunities and collaborators.

Contact Grants and Sponsored Programs

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Mailing Address: 
P.O. Box 13024, SFA Station
Nacogdoches, Texas 75962