Nationally recognized for our fine arts

SFA is one of 150 schools in the country accredited by the National Association of Schools of Theatre. What does this mean for our students and their parents?

Accreditation is a process by which the School of Theatre and Dance is evaluated by an independent and trained group of peers that verify we are substantially achieving our educational objectives and meeting the established standards of the national organization.

During this process, we write a self-study in which we evaluate our work, host an on-site review by a team of evaluators and undergo the judgment of the national accrediting organization. NAST's review focuses on the department's and university's educational quality, integrity and educational improvements.

The review of educational quality is made according to nationally recognized standards developed by the association with the full participation of its member institutions and in consultation with various professional groups in the field of theatre.

Thus, accreditation by NAST means that students and their parents can be confident that SFA and the School of Theatre and Dance have defined the educational goals of the theatre program, have the faculty expertise, the facilities and the other resources needed to achieve these goals and are committed to seeking ways of improving our record of achievement.