Getting involved

Joining a club, organization or honor society is a great way to make friends, get to know your professors and become a more successful student. SFA is home to more than 200 student clubs and organizations, including clubs for students interested in agriculture.

Agriculture Clubs

Students interested in agriculture can join a variety of active clubs:

Ag Jacks Council

Ag Jacks Council is made up of student leaders from each of the Department of Agriculture’s clubs and organizations. These student leaders are tasked with providing guidance to all clubs and organizations, as well as offering advice and feedback to the department on items related to student involvement.



The Agri-Ambassadors recruit potential new agriculture students at local events, national and statewide conventions, fairs and other exhibitions. To become a member of the organization, a student must maintain a 2.25 GPA and demonstrate an interest in leadership.

Membership in Agri-Ambassadors is application-based. Applications are available in the main office of the Agriculture Building.

Agriculture Business Club

The Agriculture Business Club is open to any student interested in agribusiness. The club promotes agribusiness on campus and in the community. Networking events are routinely scheduled to meet agribusiness leaders.

Beef Cattle Show Team

SFA’s Beef Cattle Show Team encourages and promotes interest in showing cattle and increasing relationships with the beef cattle industry. The Beef Cattle Show Team works closely with local 4-H and FFA members to enhance their education and show skills.

Swine Show Team

The Swine Show Team allows our students to develop and show quality breeding sows and boars for the industry. SFA’s Swine Show Team attends several shows each year to exhibit the genetics of SFA's swine. Student members also work with local 4-H and FFA members who are raising pigs for supervised agricultural experience projects.

Ag Tech Club

The Ag Tech Club is open to any student interested in agricultural mechanics and machinery. Members participate in a variety of events, including the National Agricultural Mechanics Career Development Event in Indianapolis, Indiana, every fall. In the spring, the club participates in the Tri-County Tractor Contest and hosts career development events for high school students.

Alpha Gamma Rho

This service-based agriculture fraternity participates in a variety of community outreach projects, including programs that support the March of Dimes, the Nacogdoches Police Department and area women’s shelters. Members must maintain a grade point average of 2.0 or higher and must be enrolled in at least six hours at SFA.

Future Agricultural Educators Club

The mission of the Future Agricultural Educators Club is to make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing leadership, cooperation and citizenship, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.

Horticulture Club

The Horticulture Club is known for its variety of fun and exciting activities, including great trips and hands-on learning opportunities. Club members help with the propagation of plants for the Arboretum and Horticulture Club plant sales and participate in the annual J. Benton Storey Undergraduate Student Horticultural Judging Contest.

Poultry Science Club

The Poultry Science Club encourages and promotes interest in poultry science through a variety of outreach and community service activities.

Pre-Veterinary Medical Organization

The Pre-Veterinary Medical Organization is a professional organization that:

  • stimulates student interest in veterinary medicine
  • familiarizes students with the expectations associated with pre-veterinary and veterinary education and the veterinary profession
  • and builds strong friendships among pre-vet students.

SFA Equine Club

The Equine Club encourages and promotes interest in training, riding and showing horses. Members have the opportunity to learn by participating in various equine internships, local horse shows, and Equine Center volunteer opportunities. The club serves as a resource for career development and preparation for a career in the equine industry.

Sigma Alpha Professional Agricultural Society

Sigma Alpha is an agriculture sorority that emphasizes scholarship, leadership, friendship and service.

SFA Rodeo Club

The SFA Rodeo Club is a National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association member and recognized through the SFA Recreation Center. The club actively participates in and sponsors rodeos and is open to all students and majors.

Honor societies

Delta Tau Alpha is a national agricultural honor society that recognizes students for superior academic performance and dedication to the prosperity, health and well-being of the agricultural industry.


Ag Olympics

This event is designed to bring our students and faculty together to build a collaborative community and culture. Teams of students and faculty members compete in a variety of events. Past events have included:

  • a quiz bowl
  • swine obstacle course
  • hay bale toss
  • water bucket relay
  • calf sorting
  • and round bale jump,

College cookouts

The Department of Agriculture holds two annual cookouts every year. Our first cookout takes place at the beginning of the fall semester to welcome new and returning students. Our second cookout is held at the beginning of the spring semester.