A literary curriculum to build marketable skills

If you love reading, researching, and writing, a degree in English is a great option. The English BA program (36 hours) offers many avenues of literary study and a wide range of interesting courses across subareas of literary, composition, and cultural studies.

Our expert teacher-scholars can help you build analytical, writing, editorial, and performative skills needed to be successful in a wide variety of careers.

Choice of three tracks

To help channel students' career paths, students in the English BA program choose from one of three tracks:

Each track offers a comprehensive curriculum of beginning, intermediate, and advanced courses geared toward building cultural literacy and professional skills. All courses are discussion-based, writing intensive, and designed for one-on-one interaction with your professors.

All tracks culminate in a professionalization course, student teaching, or internship experience to help students test-drive career options and develop networking and job-search materials.