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Automatic Electronic Defibrillators

SFA currently has more than eighty automatic electronic defibrillators placed across campus to date. Use of these devices is automated and instructions are provided by the device when it is opened.

Demonstrations on how to use these AEDs can be arranged through the UPD at 939-468-2252 or by email at

Current AED Locations on Campus

Academic Facilities

  • Agriculture building
  • Boynton building
  • Cole Concert Hall - main lobby
  • Ferguson building
  • Fine Arts Annex
  • Forestry laboratories
  • Forestry building
  • HPE building - 2nd floor main lobby
  • Human Sciences North building
  • Human Sciences South building
  • Human Services building
  • Janice A. Pattillo Early Childhood Research Center - by gymnasium
  • Janice A. Pattillo Early Childhood Research Center - main hallway
  • Janice A. Pattillo Early Childhood Research Center - nurse's office
  • Kennedy Auditorium - main lobby
  • Lehmann Chemistry building
  • Liberal Arts North - 1st floor main hallway
  • Library - 1st floor lobby
  • Lower Art building
  • Lucille Dewitt Nursing administrative building
  • Lucille Dewitt Nursing building - north side hallway classroom
  • Lucille Dewitt Nursing building - south side hallway laboratory
  • Math building - 1st floor main lobby
  • McGee Business building - 1st floor main lobby
  • McKibben Education building - 1st floor main lobby
  • Military Science building
  • Miller Science - 1st floor main lobby by elevators
  • Miller Science building - main lobby
  • Old Early Childhood Lab
  • STEM building - 1st floor
  • STEM building - 2nd floor
  • STEM building - 3rd floor
  • STEM building - 4th floor
  • Social Work building
  • Tom and Peggy Wright Music building - by departmental offices
  • Upper Art building

Residence Life Facilities

  • Griffith Hall - main lobby
  • Hall 10 - main lobby
  • Hall 14 - main lobby
  • Hall 20 - main office
  • Kerr Hall - main lobby
  • Lodge - main lobby
  • Lumberjack Landing - main lobby
  • North Hall - main lobby
  • South Hall - main lobby
  • Steen Hall - foyer area
  • Todd Hall - main lobby
  • University Woods - laundry building
  • Village building 1 - center building lobby
  • Village building 2 - center building lobby
  • Village building 3 - center building lobby
  • Wisely Hall - 2nd floor dayroom

Athletic Facilities

  • Field House - outside west entrance
  • Press Box - inside stairwell
  • Tennis Complex - exterior wall of tennis office building
  • Wellness Center
  • William R. Johnson Coliseum - top floor, just east of main entrance

Other Campus Facilities

  • Alumni Center building
  • Austin building - 2nd floor main entrance
  • E. College Cafeteria
  • Grounds and Transportation
  • HPE building - check-in desk equipment cage
  • Health Services building - nurse's desk wall
  • Housing Operations - main lobby check-in desk
  • Old Purchasing building - Wilson Drive main lobby
  • Parking Services - front desk
  • Physical Plant Administration building - main lobby
  • Rusk building - 2nd floor main lobby north of entrance
  • Student Center - 1st floor atrium
  • Student Recreation Center - 1st floor intermural sports storage
  • Student Recreation Center - 1st floor north gym
  • Student Recreation Center - 1st floor outdoor activity storage
  • Student Recreation Center - 2nd floor multi-purpose studio room 2
  • Student Recreation Center - 2nd floor racquetball court
  • Student Recreation Center - front desk
  • Student Recreation Center - lifeguard office
  • Surplus building - Austin Street
  • UPD Dispatch
  • UPD Training room

Portable Units

  • All University Police Patrol Vehicles
  • Campus Recreation for use at Intramural Fields

Emergency Call Boxes

Emergency call boxes have been placed at various locations on the SFA campus. These call boxes are white or bright yellow and are labeled "EMERGENCY" or "POLICE" in black letters. Operation is easy. Push the appropriate button - red button for 911 or black button for non-emergency calls, and talk directly into the speaker when the call is answered. Your call goes directly to the UPD Communications Center. Call boxes can be used to request police assistance, escorts, assists with vehicle problems and information.

White Call Box

White Call Box


Yellow Call Box

Yellow Call Box


Eyewitness Text Tips

In an effort to provide the university community with a way to make anonymous crime tips, the UPD is pleased to announce the addition of the Eyewitness Text Tip. This will allow anyone with information about a crime in progress or a crime that has already been reported to provide anonymous information to the UPD. It is simple. All you do is store the number 67283 in your cell phone, begin the text message with SFASUTIP {space} and begin your message. You will receive a confirmation text back that your tip was received.

However, if it is an emergency or you need immediate assistance, you should dial 911 from any campus phone or 936-468-2608 to report the emergency to the UPD.

Crime Prevention Tips

If a crime is to be committed, the offender must have the desire, ability and opportunity to commit the crime. Law enforcement can do little to remove the offender's desire and ability to commit crimes, but together we can remove the element of opportunity. This is crime prevention.

You can remove the temptation of opportunity by taking a few simple precautions.

Protect Your Property:

  • Lock your door every time you leave - even for short trips down the hall (for instance, to visit your neighbors or coworkers).
  • Do not leave valuables lying out in the open.
  • Engrave your driver's license number on all valuable property (Operation ID).
  • Record the serial numbers and brand names of all property.

Protect Yourself:

  • Lock your door when you take a nap or retire for the evening.
  • Require identification before admitting someone unfamiliar into your room.
  • Don't walk alone at night. Stay on lighted walkways and use the Police Escort Service.
  • Report suspicious people or circumstances. Stop a crime before it happens.
  • Offer your confidential assistance to the UPD.

Contact the University Police Department

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Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 13062, SFA Station
Nacogdoches, Texas 75962