Unless otherwise noted, each item listed below is a link to a PDF.


Markers, Monuments and Artwork

Artistic expression and works of art make important contributions to Stephen F. Austin State University’s goals to promote a rich, diverse and stimulating cultural environment and to enrich the lives of students, faculty, staff and visitors. Because such works also can enhance the university’s image, SFA actively promotes artistic expression and the exchange of ideas and viewpoints such expression may evoke. Recognizing the significance artwork displayed on campus can have, the university has established a policy pertaining to markers, monuments, and artwork and provides a form for nominating new pieces as well as removing existing pieces.

The completed forms should be emailed to the Markers, Monuments, and Artwork Committee for review.

Worker's Compensation

For accidents and injuries on the job, the employee or employee’s supervisor must submit an injury report within 24 hours using the Safety Department’s Accident/Injury 24 Hour Report Quick Link.

For serious injuries requiring immediate medical attention, call UPD at 468-2608, or 911, or go to the nearest emergency room. 

Additional information can be found on the SFA Safety Department website.