Academic Affairs HOP Committee (AAHC)
Appointed by the provost/executive vice president for academic affairs, consisting of two academic deans appointed by the Deans' Council, two department chairs elected by the Chairs' Forum (preferably not from the same college as deans serving on the committee), representative from Institutional Research and one faculty member from each academic college, appointed by the Faculty Senate.
The chair is appointed by the provost/vice president for academic affairs.
Two-year term
To review academic policies (HOPS) on a regular basis and make recommendations to the provost/vice president for academic affairs regarding policy changes and new policies.
List of 2024-26 Committee Members
Gary Wurtz, dean, Micky Elliott College of Fine Arts, 2024-2025
Dustin Knepp, dean, College of Liberal and Applied Arts, 2024-2025
chair elect
Jason Bruck, Faculty Senate rep, College of Sciences and Mathematics, 2024-2025
Louise Stoehr, Faculty Senate rep, College of Liberal and Applied Arts, 2024-2025
Victoria Wagner Greene, Faculty Senate rep, James I. Perkins College of Education, 2024-2025
Chris McKenna, Faculty Senate rep, Nelson Rusche College of Business, 2024-2025
Emily Payne, Faculty Senate rep, Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture, 2024-2025
Mario Ajero, Faculty Senate rep, Micky Elliott College of Fine Arts, 2024-2025
John Hendricks, Chairs Council rep, College of Liberal and Applied Arts, 2024-2025
Carol Wright, Chairs Council rep alternate, Nelson Rusche College of Business, 2024
Academic Grievance Panel
Membership consists of eight faculty members (at least one from each college) as well as eight recommended by Chairs Council.
There is no chair; members are convened by the provost and executive vice president for academic affairs as and when required.
2- and 3-year terms, staggered
The function of the committee is to serve as a pool from which members of a Grievance Panel may be drawn in case of an appeal against faculty termination.
List of 2024-2025 Members
College Representatives:
Angela Bacarisse, professor, Micky Elliott College of Fine Arts (2025)
Heeok Jeong, assistant professor, James I. Perkins College of Education (2026)
Emmerentie Oliphant, professor, College of Liberal and Applied Arts (2025)
Brian Oswald, professor, Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture (2026)
Jose Neftali Recinos, professor, College of Liberal and Applied Arts (2026)
Mark Scanlan, professor, Nelson Rusche College of Business (2026)
Keilea Sumrall, assistant professor, James I. Perkins College of Education (2025)
Carl Ziegler, assistant professor, College of Sciences and Mathematics (2025)
Faculty Senate Representatives:
Rick Abel, professor, College of Liberal and Applied Art (2025)
Todd Barrios, chef instructor, James I. Perkins College of Education (2026)
Leslie Cecil, professor, College of Liberal and Applied Art (2025)
Stephen Kosovich, professor, Nelson Rusche College of Business (2026)
Chris McKenna, associate professor, Nelson Rusche College of Business (2026)
Bill Nieberding, associate professor, Micky Elliott College of Fine Arts (2026)
Kefa Onchoke, professor, College of Sciences and Mathematics (2025)
Amanda Rudolph, professor, James I. Perkins College of Education (2025)
Academic Integrity Formal Hearing Officer Panel
Membership consists of three faculty members from each college.
There is no chair; members are convened by the provost and executive vice president for academic affairs as and when required.
2- and 3-year terms, staggered
The function of the committee is to serve as a pool from which members of a Hearing Committee may be drawn in case of an appeal as described in HOP policy 02-320. If chosen through procedures laid out in the policy or student appeal, members may also serve on a Review Board to consider complaints under HOP policy 01-305.
List of 2024-2025 Members
Angela Bacarisse, professor, Micky Elliott College of Fine Arts (2026)
Jared Barnes, associate professor, Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture (2025)
Cherhonda Brown, assistant professor, College of Liberal and Applied Arts (2025)
Jill Carrington, professor, Micky Elliott College of Fine Arts (2025)
Perry Moon, instructor, College of Liberal and Applied Arts (2027)
Janice Cho, assistant professor, College of Liberal and Applied Arts (2026)
Lindsey Creel, assistant professor, Micky Elliott College of Fine Arts (2025)
Brittney Falahola, associate professor, College of Sciences and Mathematics (2026)
Zachariah Fleming, assistant professor, College of Sciences and Mathematics (2025)
Janet Jones, assistant professor, Nelson Rusche College of Business (2025)
Summer Koltonoski, associate professor, James I. Perkins College of Education (2026)
Stephen Kosovich, professor, Nelson Rusche College of Business (2025)
Rob McDermand, senior lecturer, Nelson Rusche College of Business (2026)
Mary Olle, associate professor, James I. Perkins College of Education (2025)
Barbara Qualls, associate professor, James I. Perkins College of Education (2026)
Jenny Rashall, assistant professor, Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture (2026)
Anusha Shrestha, assistant professor, Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture (2026)
Jeffrey Zheng, assistant professor, College of Sciences and Mathematics (2027)
Admissions Appeals Committee
The dean of the college the student plans to major in will serve on the respective appeal.
The chair is appointed by the provost and executive vice president for academic affairs.
One-year term
The function of the committee is to review credentials of students who fail to meet admission standards and petitions for variances. The committee recommends appropriate action to the director of admissions and provost/vice president for academic affairs. The committee will review credentials of students who apply for the Academic Opportunity Program and make recommendations to the provost and vice president for academic affairs; review guidelines for acceptance into AOP; and advise the director of the AOP on course selection and course load for students admitted to the program.
List of of 2024-2025 Committee Members
Lee Furbeck, vice president, Enrollment Management
ex officio
Calendar Committee
Membership is comprised of one member from Faculty Senate, Chairs Council, and Staff Council, as well as the Director of Human Resources, the Registrar, Associate Provost and Executive Assistant to the Provost
The chair is appointed by the provost and executive vice president for academic affairs
The function of the committee is to project and approve the academic calendar two years in advance.
List of 2024-2025 Committee Members
Keith Hubbard, professor, College of Sciences and Mathematics
Sharon Brewer, executive assistant, Division of Academic Affairs
Mickey Diez, registrar, Office of the Registrar
Marc Guidry, associate provost, Division of Academic Affairs
Micki Gunter, program director, Office of Research and Graduate Studies
John Wyatt, director, Human Resources
Sarah Straub, Faculty Senate representative, Chairs Council representative
Brittany Beck, Staff Council representative
Core Curriculum Committee
Members are appointed by the provost and executive vice president for academic affairs; one faculty representative from the six academic colleges and, as ex officio members: the director of the Office of Strategic Analytics and Institutional Research and a representative of the Faculty Senate.
The chair is appointed by the provost and executive vice president for academic affairs.
The Core Curriculum Committee provides faculty oversight of the core curriculum. Functions include review of course applications for addition to the core curriculum as part of the curriculum modification process, recertification of existing core courses for core eligibility, and design and implementation of assessment of student attainment of core curriculum objectives.
List of 2024-2025 Committee Members
Christina Sinclair, associate dean, James I. Perkins College of Education (2025)
Chris Wilson, director, Office of Institutional Effectiveness
ex officio
Bidisha Sengupta, associate professor, College of Sciences and Mathematics
Faculty Senate representative
Marc Guidry, associate provost, Division of Academic Affairs
ex officio
Gabriela Miranda-Recinos, professor, College of Liberal and Applied Arts (2026)
John Kidd, assistant professor, Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture (2026)
Claire Murphy, assistant professor, Micky Elliott College of Fine Arts (2025)
Clint Richardson, associate professor, College of Sciences and Mathematics (2025)
Kristen Waddell, assistant professor, Nelson Rusche College of Business (2025)
Distance Education Committee
Members are appointed by the provost and executive vice president for academic affairs, consisting of the director of the Center for Teaching and Learning and the distance education coordinator, two academic deans nominated by the Deans Council, two department chairs elected by the Chairs Council, and four faculty representatives appointed by the Faculty Senate.
The director of the Center for Teaching and Learning will chair the committee and convene meetings.
The function of the committee is to consult widely and recommend policies and priorities regarding distance education issues.
List of 2024-2025 Committee Members
Cindy Kilpatrick, director, Center for Teaching and Learning
chair/ex officio
Dustin Knepp†, dean, College of Liberal and Applied Arts (2025)
Daniel McCleary*, associate professor, James I. Perkins College of Education (2025)
Herb Midgley*, instructor, Micky Elliott College of Fine Arts (2025)
Jannah Nerren‡ , professor/chair, James I. Perkins College of Education (2025)
Chairs Forum representative‡
Sarah Straub*, associate professor, James I. Perkins College of Education (2025)
Tyler Welsh*, assistant professor, College of Liberal and Applied Arts (2025)
Hans Williams†, dean, Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture (2025)
† Elected by Deans Council
‡ Elected by Chairs Forum
* Appointed by Faculty Senate
A Study of Faculty Attitudes about Instructional Issues - Spring 2015
Faculty Development Leave Committee
Membership is appointed by the provost and executive vice president for academic affairs and consisting of six elected, full-time faculty members, one from each academic college. Elections will be held within each college.
Provost convenes and attends first meeting of the academic year, when there is no chair. The committee then elects the chair at this meeting.
Two-year, staggered
To make recommendations on applications from full-time faculty members for Faculty Development Leave, for additional study or research and writing, for a period of either one semester at full pay or a full year at half pay.
List of 2024-2025 Committee Members
- Brian Barngrover, associate professor, College of Sciences and Mathematics (2025)
- Court Carney, professor, College of Liberal and Applied Arts (2025) Committee Chair
- Flora Farago, associate professor, James I. Perkins College of Education (2026)
- Bill Forbes, professor, Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture (2026)
chair - Brandon Ater, assistant professor, Nelson Rusche College of Business (2026)
- Scott Shattuck, professor, Micky Elliott College of Fine Arts (2025)
Faculty Excellence Awards Committee
Appointed by the provost and vice president for academic affairs and consisting of one faculty member from each undergraduate college, recommended by the academic deans. The executive director LLC and director CTL will serve in ex officio positions and provide committee support.
The Center for Teaching and Learning will convene the first meeting of the academic year.
Three-year term
The function of this committee is to promote the recognition and celebration of faculty excellence at SFA. The committee will help coordinate three faculty from each college in the fields of: teaching excellence, scholarly excellence, service excellence. Specifically, the committee will be involved in the annual Excellence Award Convocation for award winners. Planning will include communication of criteria and dates with the college deans so that each college chooses winners in a timely manner; campus-wide communication about the convocation; invitations for the event; arrangements (room, food and entertainment) for the convocation; and coordination of presentations at the convocation. The CTL will serve as the coordinating entity for the committee.
List of 2024-2025 Committee Members
Jose Carbajal, associate professor, College of Liberal and Applied Arts (2027)
Kevin Jones, assistant professor, James I. Perkins College of Education (2026)
Jane Long, professor, College of Sciences and Mathematics (2026)
Lucia Sigmar, associate professor, Nelson Rusche College of Business (2025)
Cindy Kilpatrick, director, Center for Teaching and Learning ex officio
Megan Weatherly, director, Center for Teaching and Learning ex officio
Daniel Colopietro, assistant professor, Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture (2026)
Cody Hunter, professor, Micky Elliott College of Fine Arts (2024)
Faculty Service Award Committee
No chair; committee members convene meetings when necessary.
To coordinate activities regarding the Faculty Service Award ceremony.
List of 2024-2025 Committee Members
Sharon Brewer, executive assistant, Division of Academic Affairs
Megan Weatherly, executive director, Lumberjack Learning Commons
Deborah Dalton, associate professor, Micky Elliott College of Fine Arts
Lisa Mize, associate professor, James I. Perkins College of Education
Financial Assistance and Scholarship Committee
Appointed by the provost and executive vice president for academic affairs and consisting of representation from each of the undergraduate colleges; admissions office, computer center, scholarship office, and as ex officio, the director of financial aid who shall provide staff support to the committee.
Provost convenes and attends first meeting of the academic year, when there is no chair. The committee then elects the chair at this meeting.
The function of the committee is to select recipients of scholarships for all endowed scholarships which do not stipulate an alternate selection procedure; to encourage the development of academic excellence through the scholarship program; and to make recommendations concerning policies governing scholarships, student loads and student employment.
List of 2024-2025 Committee Members
Tammy Mitchum, assistant director, Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships (2025)
Jessica Glasscock, associate professor, Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture (2027)
Ben Kramer, assistant professor, Micky Elliott College of Fine Arts (2026)
Yuan He, clinical instructor II, James I. Perkins College of Education (2026)
David Kaiser, director, Economics and Finance, Nelson Rusche College of Business (2025)
Bailey Thompson, professor, College of Liberal and Applied Arts (2025)
Collin Timmons, lecturer, College of Sciences and Mathematics (2025)
Michael Tkacik, director, School of Honors (2025)
Heather Catton, director, Office of International Programs
ex officio
Rachele Garrett, director, Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships
ex officio
Graduate Council
Membership consists of ten elected and appointed full members of the graduate faculty. Six members of the council, one from each academic college, are elected from the full members of the graduate faculty. Three members are appointed by the chair of the council, subject to the principle of proportionate representation from each academic college on the basis of full and associate members of the graduate faculty in the respective colleges and subject further to the approval of the provost/vice president for academic affairs. Serving as ex-officio are the dean of the library, registrar, chair-elect of the faculty senate and a graduate student. Appointed members of the council serve three-year terms. Upon expiration of a term, the council member is ineligible for re-election or reappointment to the council until the lapse of three years. A vacancy on the council is filled either by election or appointment, whichever is applicable to the position vacated.
The dean of research and graduate studies chairs the committee and convenes meetings as needed.
To recommend policies and procedures relative to graduate student admission and programs, graduate faculty membership, graduate curriculum, graduate theses and dissertations, and other matters pertaining to graduate education at the university level.
List of 2024-2025 Council Members
Forest Lane, dean, Office of Research and Graduate Studies, ext. 6186
Austin Famer, graduate student representative (2025)
Rachel Jumper, associate professor, James I. Perkins College of Education (2025), ext. 2209
Bidisha Sengupta, Faculty Senate representative (2025), ext. 2485
Brian Oswald, Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture (2027), ext. 2275
Perky Beisel, College of Liberal and Applied Arts (2027), ext. 2093
Neal Nghia Nguyen, associate professor, James I. Perkins College of Education (2026), ext. 6608
Jonathan Helmke, director, Steen Library, ext. 1537
Carmen Montana Schalk, associate professor, College of Sciences and Mathematics (2025), ext. 2322
Jonathan Mitchell, associate professor, College of Sciences and Mathematics (2025), ext. 1606
Jamie Weaver, Micky Elliott College of Fine Arts (2027), ext. 4690
Jason Reese, associate professor, Nelson Rusche College of Business (2026), ext.1465
Candis Carraway, assistant professor, Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture (2025), ext. 4425
Mickey Diez, registrar, Office of the Registrar, ext. 2120
Micki Gunter, program director, Office of Research and Graduate Studies, ext. 2812
Honors Council Committee
The director of the School of Honors chairs this committee and convenes meetings.
One year
The function of the committee is to serve as an advisory group to the director of the School of Honors and participate in Honors' scholarship review and recommendations.
List of 2024-2025 Committee Members
Michael Tkacik, director, School of Honors
Justin Blount, professor, Nelson Rusche College of Business
Linda Bobo, professor, James I. Perkins College of Education
Dana Cooper, professor, College of Liberal and Applied Arts
Russell Franks, assistant professor, College of sciences and Mathematics
Sheryll Jerez, professor, College of Liberal and Applied Arts
Michael Martin, professor, College of Liberal and Applied Arts
Nikki Shoemaker, professor, Nelson Rusche College of Business
Elizabeth Spradley, associate professor, College of Liberal and Applied Arts
Amber Wagnon, associate professor, James I. Perkins College of Education
Jacob Walburn, assistant professor, Micky Elliott College of Fine Arts
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
Membership appointments are made by the provost and executive vice president for academic affairs. The IACUC will consist of a minimum of five (5) members, including:
- at least one faculty member representing an academic department utilizing vertebrate animals for research, testing, or training;
- one member from a department that does not utilize animals in research;
- one doctor of veterinary medicine;
- one member of the community not associated with the university.
Members have indefinite terms.The committee meets at least twice per year and on an as-needed basis to review faculty research proposals that involve vertebrate animals and complete any additional tasks required by law.
Responsible for the review of research and teaching activities that involve vertebrate animals. The IACUC has the responsibility and the authority to approve, withhold approval, or require changes in research activity and methodology of research involving vertebrate animal subjects.
List of 2024-2025 Committee Members
Jessica Glasscock, assistant professor, Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture, ext. 5984
Erin Brown, professor, Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture, ext. 4433
Brent Burt, professor, College of Sciences and Mathematics, ext. 2482
Kelly Koinm, veterinarian
Rebekah Raney, compliance coordinator, Office of Research and Graduate Studies, ext. 1067
Christopher Sams, professor, College of Liberal and Applied Arts, ext. 2005
Tamara Wood, non-affiliated
Institutional Biosafety Committee
This is an ad hoc committee. Members serve for indefinite terms.
It is the role of the IBC to review, approve/reject, and provide oversight and guidance to individuals at the university, or that use property owned by the university, who seek to use or possess rDNA and/or biohazardous materials for teaching or research.
List of 2024-2025 Council Members
Odutayo O. Odunuga, professor/department chair of Chemistry & Biochemistry, College of Sciences and Mathematics
Ronald W. Havner, lab coordinator, College of Sciences and Mathematics
Alexandra Martynova-Van Kley, professor, College of Sciences and Mathematics
Erin Brown, professor, Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture
Rebekah Raney, compliance coordinator, Office of Research and Graduate Studies
Jason M. Richards, veterinarian
James E. Van Kley, professor, College of Sciences and Mathematics
Institutional Review Board
The IRB will have at least five members with varying backgrounds to promote complete and adequate review of research activities commonly conducted at the institution. Appointments to the IRB are made by the president of the university. The membership of the IRB is based on the following criteria:
- at least one member whose primary concerns are in scientific areas and at least one member whose primary concerns are in nonscientific areas;
- at least one member who is not otherwise affiliated with the institution and who is not part of the immediate family of a person who is affiliated with the institution;
- an ex-officio, non-voting representative from the Office of Research and Graduate Studies (ORGS);
- invited, non-voting individuals at the discretion of the IRB who have competence in specialized areas of research.
The IRB chair is appointed by the provost and executive vice president for academic affairs from among the faculty members of the IRB. Whenever possible, the chair of the IRB will be granted reassigned time equivalent to one three-hour course each semester.
Members serve for indefinite terms.
The IRB at SFA has the responsibility and authority to review, approve, disapprove, or require changes in research activity and methodology of research involving human subjects.
List of 2024-2025 Committee Members
Emmerentie Oliphant, professor, College of Liberal and Applied Arts, ext. 2291
Caroline Garner, non-affiliated, president of United Way, ph: 936-554-1802
George Day, associate professor, College of Liberal and Applied Arts, ext. 3948
Steven Estrada, associate professor, College of Liberal and Applied Arts, ext. 1415
Rebekah Raney, compliance coordinator, Office of Research and Graduate Studies, ext. 1067
Pat Stephens-Williams, professor, Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture, ext. 2196
Todd Whitehead, professor, James I. Perkins College of Education, ext. 1462
Allison Younger, assistant professor, College of Sciences and Mathematics, ext. 7747
Alternate Members
José Carbajal, associate professor, College of Liberal and Applied Arts, ext. 3726
James Rowe, associate professor, James I. Perkins College of Education, ext. 2098
Elaine Turner, assistant professor, James I. Perkins College of Education, ext. 1219
Medical Appeals Committee
Approved medical appeals may be granted for mental and physical conditions that prevent the student from completing the semester. Medical appeal requests will be considered by a committee comprised of university officials. The committee's charge will be to consider the merit of the appeal based on all documentation provided by the student. Once a decision has been made, the Registrar's Office personnel will notify the student and any university officials necessary to process the appeals that are granted.
List of 2024-2025 Committee Members
Daphne Curl, director, Testing Services
Tricia Lance, academic advisor, Student Success Center
Marianne Payne, academic support coordinator, College of Education - Student Services and Advising
Kara Predmore, academic advisor, College of Liberal and Applied Arts
Tiffany Rivers, director, Disability Services
New Faculty Orientation Committee
Members are appointed by the provost and executive vice president for academic affairs and consist of at least one representative recommended by the academic deans, from each of the six colleges. Term positions will begin and end in May.
The first meeting of the academic year will be convened by the provost and executive vice president if there is no chair, and a chair will be appointed at that meeting by the committee.
Three-year: staggered.
The function of this committee is to develop, implement, and assess a year-long orientation program for new faculty members that will help promote and maintain a strong sense of intellectual and social community at SFA. The program is meant to welcome new faculty, introduce them to SFA, and help them acclimate and integrate successfully and effectively into the SFA community.
List of 2024-2025 Committee Members
Joyce Johnston, associate dean, College of Liberal and Applied Arts
Jim Adams, assistant professor, College of Sciences and Mathematics, 2027
Zeke Bocklage, assistant professor, Micky Elliott College of Fine Arts, 2026
Suhyung Lee, assistant professor, Nelson Rusche College of Business, 2025
Kim Odems, human resources manager, Office of Human Resources, 2027
Alyssa Landreaux, lecturer, James I Perkins College of Education, 2027
Reuber Antoniazzi, assistant professor, Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture, 2026
Tyler Welsh, assistant professor, College of Liberal and Applied Arts
Megan Weatherly, executive director, Lumberjack Learning Commons
ex officio
ORGS Research Advisory Council
Membership consists of up to 12 elected members of the tenured and/or tenure-track faculty with no more than two members from each of the six colleges. Upon expiration of a term, the council member is ineligible for re-election to the council until the lapse of one year.
Non-voting members include:
- Dean of ORGS (or their designee)
- Representative from Faculty Senate
- Representative from Chairs’ Forum
- Any SFA employee actively involved in research (unlimited)
A faculty member is elected from within the voting membership and serves a one-year term.
Each elected council member serves a 3-year term with a staggered rotation schedule.
During the inaugural year, members will be elected for one-, two-, and three-year terms. Those RAC members who are elected to serve in one-year terms will be immediately eligible to serve a new three-year term, if selected by their college; the one-year waiting period will not apply to these one-year, inaugural term RAC members.
In the event of a tie, the Dean of ORGS (or their designee) will serve as the tie breaker.
The function of the committee is to advance the research capacity of the university and to elevate research volume and advance research visibility by a) advocating for university resources, university-wide policies, and university-wide procedures to enhance research and the visibility of research on campus; b) advocating for promoting faculty research collaboration and engagement; c) advocating for expanding student research opportunities; and d) advocating for expanding support for obtaining external funding for research.
Initial 2024-2025 Council Members
(officially elected members will serve starting AY24-25)
Flora Farago, professor, James I. Perkins College of Education, TBD
Reuber Antoniazzi, assistant professor, Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture, TBD
Julie Bloxson, assistant professor, College of Sciences and Mathematics, TBD
Heather Olson Beal, professor, James I. Perkins College of Education, TBD
Lauren Brewer, associate professor, James I. Perkins College of Education, TBD
Jason Bruck, associate professor, College of Sciences and Mathematics, TBD
Gina Fe Causin, associate professor, James I. Perkins College of Education, TBD
Leslie Cecil, professor, College of Liberal and Applied Arts, TBD
Janice Cho, assistant professor, College of Liberal and Applied Arts, TBD
Cord Eversole, assistant professor, Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture, TBD
Kevin Jones, assistant professor, James I. Perkins College of Education, TBD
Larry King, professor, College of Liberal and Applied Arts, TBD
Linda Levitt, professor, College of Liberal and Applied Arts, TBD
Tingting Xu, professor, James I. Perkins College of Education, TBD
Professional Academic Advising Council Executive Committee
Seven selected members. Six members of the Executive Committee will be professional academic advisors or a staff/faculty member with advising duties, with one member elected from each college. The seventh member will be a staff member from the Student Success Center with advising duties. This committee will also serve as the EAB/Navigate Advisory Committee
Executive Committee members will elect a chair, subject to Provost approval, for a term of two years.
*Chair will be one of the Executive Committee Members and will coordinate monthly meetings and manage the PAAC email distribution
*This committee will plan the yearly Advising Retreat in May and will select a chair for this event.
*This committee serves in an advisory capacity to the EAB/Navigate administrators.
Each of the members of PAAC Executive Committee serves a two- or three-year term. A vacancy on the council is filled by the selection process for the respective college.
To recommend policies and procedures, inform, and encourage initiatives to improve professional advising and the advising community at SFA.
List of 2024-2025 Committee Members
*Kara Predmore, academic advisor, College of Liberal and Applied Arts (2026)
chair (2-year term)
*Kat Kessler Thompson, coordinator, Student Success Center (2026)
advisor retreat chair
Trenton Birdwell, academic advisor, Micky Elliott College of Fine Arts (2026)
Laurel Bleil, academic advisor, Nelson Rusche College of Business (2025)
Ashley Rhodes, academic advisor, Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture (2025)
Kelly Morgan, academic advisor, College of Sciences and Mathematics (2025)
Stephanie Strahl, academic advisor, James I. Perkins College of Education (2025)
Raquel Skidmore, Student Success Center
ex officio, previous PAAC coordinator
Professional Educator's Council
The dean of education chairs this committee and convenes the meetings.
The function of this committee is to discuss policies and processes and make recommendations to the dean of education regarding preparation of teachers.
List of 2024-2025 Council Members
Judy Abbott, dean, James I. Perkins College of Education
Christina Sinclair, associate dean of assessment and accountability, James I. Perkins College of Education
Adam Akerson, associate professor, James I. Perkins College of Education
Carrie Baker, education preparation program manager, James I. Perkins College of Education
Lisa Bentley, lecturer, College of Liberal and Applied Arts
Deborah Buswell, associate professor, James I. Perkins College of Education
Candis Carraway, associate professor, Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture
Chrissy Cross, associate professor, James I. Perkins College of Education
Belinda Davis, graduate studies coordinator, James I. Perkins College of Education
Stacy Hendricks, associate dean, James I. Perkins College of Education
Rachel Jumper, associate professor, James I. Perkins College of Education
Lindsey Kennon, assistant professor, James I. Perkins College of Education
Wendy Killam, professor, James I. Perkins College of Education
Summer Koltonski, associate professor, James I. Perkins College of Education
Jane Long, professor, College of Sciences and Mathematics
Jennifer Malmberg, lecturer, Micky Elliott College of Fine Arts
Melanie Mercer, accounting clerk III, James I. Perkins College of Education
Michelle Miller, clinical experience coordinator, James I. Perkins College of Education
Lisa Mize, associate professor, James I. Perkins College of Education
Mark Montgomery, associate professor, James I. Perkins College of Education
Claire Murphy, assistant professor, Micky Elliott College of Fine Arts
Maggie Patterson, lecturer, James I. Perkins College of Education
Barbara Qualls, associate professor, James I. Perkins College of Education
Chay Runnels, professor/director, James I. Perkins College of Education
Heather Samuelson, associate professor, James I. Perkins College of Education
Kathy Sheriff, associate professor, James I. Perkins College of Education
Elizabeth Spradley, associate professor, College of Liberal and Applied Arts
Julie Stadler, certification assessment coordinator, James I. Perkins College of Education
Lisa Stone, director of advising, James I. Perkins College of Education
Joe Strahl, data and technology manager, James I. Perkins College of Education
Amber Wagnon, associate professor, James I. Perkins College of Education
Michael Walker, associate professor, Human Services and Educational Leadership, James I. Perkins College of Education
Tingting Xu, professor, James I. Perkins College of Education
University Research Council (URC)
Membership consists of seven elected members of the tenured or tenure-track faculty. Six members of the council, one from each academic college, are elected from the tenured or tenure track members of the faculty of that college. One member is elected to represent the Library. The dean of research and graduate studies will be an ex-officio member of the URC to facilitate the administrative functions of the Research Enhancement Fund and provide proper oversight.
A faculty member, separate from the other members of the council, is to be appointed by the provost and executive vice president to chair the URC for a term of 1 year. The council will make a recommendation on the new chair annually, with preference given to faculty members having previously served on the URC.
Each of the members of the URC serves a three-year term. Upon expiration of a term, the council member is ineligible for re-election to the council until the lapse of three years. A vacancy on the council is filled by election.
The function of the committee is to recommend policies and procedures to encourage research activities and to improve the research environment of the university; to develop and recommend university research policies based upon state and federal laws and regulations; to recommend adjudication to variances to policies and procedures; and to develop guidelines for, and recommendations of, awards for internal university research grants.
List of 2024-2025 Council Members
Kyle Ainsworth, special collections librarian, Steen Library
Slade Billew, associate professor, Micky Elliott College of Fine Arts
Brannon Gary, professor, College of Sciences and Mathematics
Drew Thornley, associate professor, Nelson Rusche College of Business
Anusha Shrestha, assistant professor, Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture
College of Liberal and Applied Arts
Tingting Xu, professor, James I. Perkins College of Education
Undergraduate Council (Curriculum Committee)
Membership is appointed by the provost and executive vice president for academic affairs and consists of one faculty representative elected from each undergraduate college and, as ex-officio, registrar; and representatives from Institutional Research and the Office of Academic Affairs.
Three-year term
The function of the committee is to review and make recommendations concerning proposed changes in the undergraduate curriculum; the Curriculum Committee will review and recommend approval or disapproval of all curricular requests. The committee will attempt to ensure (1) that academic quality is maintained in programs and courses, (2) that redundancy is minimized in the curriculum, and (3) that changes are consistent with academic policies and with the role and scope of the department, college and university.
List of 2024-2025 Council Members
Lisa Mize, associate professor, James I. Perkins College of Education, 2025
Slade Billew, associate professor, Micky Elliott College of Fine Arts, 2025
Mindy Shaw Faulkner, associate professor, College of Sciences and Mathematics, 2025
Michael Maurer, professor, Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture, 2025
Spencer Willardson, associate professor, College of Liberal and Applied Arts, 2027
Marcus Cox, associate professor, Nelson Rusche College of Business, 2027
Mickey Diez, registrar, Office of the Registrar
ex officio
Marc Guidry, associate provost, Division of Academic Affairs,
ex officio