Faculty development leaves may be granted by the president for field observations, research, study, writing, or other scholarly/creative activities. They should not be used to complete work for a terminal degree. No more than six percent of university faculty members may be on development leave at any one time.
HOP policy 02-309 applies to full-time faculty whose duties include teaching, research, administration, or the performance of professional services. Except for special circumstances, individuals are eligible for a development leave after serving full time for at least three consecutive years. After completion of a development leave, recipients may not apply for four years.
Applications for faculty development leaves will be reviewed annually by the Faculty Development Leave Committee. The committee will consist of full-time faculty members, one from each academic college. The committee will make recommendations to the provost and executive vice president for academic affairs who will make the final leave recommendation to the president
Faculty Development Leave is explained in full in HOP policy 02-309.
Faculty Development Leave Timeline
September 2024
September 10 | Notification from Provost to deans and chairs initiating FDL proposals for academic year 2025/2026 |
November 25 | FDL applications including COVER SHEET due dean’s office for approval |
December 6 | FDL applications including cover sheet due ELECTRONICALLY from deans to Provost |
December 7 | FDL proposals submitted to committee for review |
February 28 | FDL committee return proposals/rankings to Provost |
March 14 | Provost recommendation for FDL for 2025/2026 to President and the faculty will be notified. |
Important documents for Faculty Development Leave applications: