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Students helping East Texans find peace of mind

A graduate training center, the School Psychology Assessment Center is a clinical and research resource on the SFA campus. We provide affordable, quality mental health assessment and care to the SFA campus community and area residents. Our psychological assessment services include the measurement of disorders that affect psychological, emotional, academic and occupational functioning, such as:

  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder 
  • learning disabilities
  • depression and anxiety
  • neurocognitive disorders including nonverbal learning disabilities
  • psychosis and thought disorders
  • personality disorders
  • and autism spectrum disorders.

Testing is comprehensive in nature, consisting of a multimethod assessment of personality, contextual, neuropsychological and intellectual factors. As a school psychology graduate student, you’ll join our faculty members who are practicing psychologists in embracing an integrated care model that promotes collaboration with the client and other health professionals involved in the client's care. You also will utilize supported behavioral, academic and counseling interventions and specialize in the use of empirically supported assessment procedures and treatments that have been developed based on psychological research.


School Psychology Assessment Center
Human Services Building, room 235
Phone: 936.468.1304

Information for clients

Service fees and forms

Assessment services are provided on a flat fee basis ($150). A per-test fee is then added to this flat fee. Three to five one-hour sessions are typically needed to administer and review results of the assessment information. Typically, total fees fall somewhere between $250 and $300 per case.

Discounted pricing may be available for those who qualify.

If you have been referred for psychoeducational assessment or testing, read our information packet here for additional information.

Complete the forms below and email to


The School Psychology Assessment Center is open to the public.

Appointments are available Monday through Friday and are flexibly arranged by the SPAC student clinician and the client.

To schedule an appointment, call 936.468.1304.

Directions and parking

The School Psychology Assessment Center is located on the SFA campus:

Human Services Building, room 235, which is building No. 35 on the campus parking map.

Parking is available on the north side of the building.

Contact the Department of Human Services and Educational Leadership

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 13019, SFA Station
Nacogdoches, Texas 75962