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Greetings from the Lumberjack Learning Commons!

In the LLC, our mission is to strengthen teaching and learning experiences, motivate students to persist in their academic journeys, and support students’ academic and personal development. More simply, we serve to connect members of the SFA community to services, resources, ideas and each other. We do this through services like tutoring and advising, experiential learning opportunities like study abroad and educator development, and tools like 3D printers and embroidery machines. This litany of services is made possible through the work of professional staff members across five units: the Academic Assistance and Resources Center, Center for Teaching and Learning, SFA Makerspace, Office of International Programs and Student Success Center. We work alongside each other in the Steen Library, sharing resources and expertise. 

Whether you’re a faculty member looking for new ideas to use in the classroom or a student seeking to study abroad, improve your problem-solving skills, or find a home among your peers, LLC units stand ready to help enrich your time at SFA. We thrive on interactions and partnerships, gather energy from fresh ideas, and relish the opportunity to learn alongside our colleagues and students. 

If I can help at any point during your time at SFA, please reach out. My office is located in the Steen Library, Room 220F and my email is

Axe ’em, Jacks! 

Megan Weatherly


Lumberjack Learning Commons
Steen Library, First Floor

P.O. Box 13038
SFA Station
Nacogdoches, TX 75962