January 2025 surplus events for Arthur Temple College of Forestry

January 2025: Surplus items from the Arthur Temple College of Forestry are available for SFA campus re-use and public sale. View details at Surplus Property.

  New procedures for employee reimbursements

Starting May 1, 2024, all employee reimbursements must be processed through SAP Concur. Visit Employee Reimbursements for details on this new procedure and to access the training manual.

  SFA in partnership with new UT System shipping contract, eShipGlobal, Inc.

Stephen F. Austin State University has named eShipGlobal, Inc. as the preferred method to manage and provide shipping and delivery services for parcels and freight.

We appreciate your support for this program.  If you have any questions, please contact Central Stores at 936.468.4044 or PPD-CD.CR@sfasu.edu.

  Fraud alert

Posted September 20, 2022

SFA is alerting our suppliers to a fraud scam that is targeting suppliers at universities including Stephen F. Austin State University. Take precautions so that your company is not a victim of this scam.

The fraud scam involves purchase orders and requests for product quotations that purport to originate from the university but are in fact fraudulent.

The scam operates in the following way: the supplier will receive an email requesting a quotation for goods. Later, a purchase order is emailed to the company that bears resemblance to an authentic university purchase order. The purchase order instructs delivery to an address not affiliated with the university. After shipping the merchandise, the company never receives payment and is unable to recover the shipped goods.

Please confirm the address for any suspicious or large dollar orders with SFA. Feel free to contact SFA Procurement and Business Services at any time to confirm any future quotes and/or purchase orders.

SFA Procurement and Business Services appreciates the very important role our suppliers play in providing goods and services to our faculty and staff in support of our academic, administrative and support endeavors.

While SFA cannot prevent this fraudulent activity, we supply our information security officer with details to investigate any suspicious activity as we become aware of specific instances.

  Learn about travel management with SAP Concur Knowledge Base

Posted May 2, 2022

We offer video tutorials and guides for SAP Concur users. Browse our SAP Concur Knowledge Base to learn more about using this travel management system.